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"So, erm. You know I had a skype call with Dylan?" He said breaking the silence. We walked over to my sofa and sat down, I was wrapped in his arms once again. "He gave me a, a 'pep talk' to ask you out, I've been too scared to say how I feel..."

I was so shocked, Thomas Sangster... Scared to ask a girl out? When he can get any girl he wants? "But Tommy, you're, well... you're you! You can get any girl you want... why me?" I felt him squeeze me tight, "Well love... being an actor is one thing, I can hide any emotion but love, love is difficult. It's difficult to act on set when you have no feeling towards the other girl but when I'm off set and I'm madly in love with the girl, its hard to hide... I've found it so hard to hide around you. Thats how I knew I liked you. I don't care about other girls babe, just you..." I really didn't know what to say, when Thomas' phone started ringing, it made me jump and it broke our little stare.

"It's Dylan, he'll want to know how if went. Can I go into your room love?" I nodded and kissed him on the cheek before he left.

He came back a few minutes later, with such a cheeky grin on his face that my first words were; "What have you done babe?" He started laughing, "Nothing, nothing... Well, um... D-Dylan and Ki are coming here for dinner. They want to meet you!" He had such an adorable smile on his face, but I was panicking. "W-What?! H-Here?! My place?! N-Now?!" He pulled me in so close, I could hear his heart racing, "Calm down love. They're coming to mine, I have a sofa bed. We do need to go and start cooking tho blossom." I smiled at him nervously, a meal with Dylan and Ki... Oh my! "But, I need to get ready Tommy!" He kissed my forehead before he spoke again "Well, you can do that here. Or, pack a little bag and shower at mine while I cook. Its your choice love." I pulled away from our very intense hug, "I'll pack a bag babe, see you up there." He nodded, I watched him leave and close my door before runing into my room.

I grabbed a bag out of my wardrobe while I decended into panic.

What do I wear? My makeup? Ugh, pyjamas too! Girlll, don't forget toiletries!

I rang Thomas;

T; hey beautiful, you okay? I've literally been gone a minute.
R; um, no. I erm, w-wha-
T; hey, hey, breathe. Calm down Rosie.

I listened to him, I slowed my breathing down before I spoke again.

R; what do I wear Tommy? I have no idea...
T; something comfortable babe. Its not formal, just a catch up with my two best friends and my gorgeous new girlfriend.
R; okay Tommy. I'll be up soon. Do I need a towel or anything?
T; no no. Just yourself and your clothes, dont worry princess.

I grinned from ear to ear, I'm his princess!

T; you still there Rosie?
R; oh, I er- yea I'm here babe. I'm gonna pack, see you soon.
T; see you soon gorgeous!

I hung up and leaned against my bedroom wall...

I'm HIS princess! (😩😍)

I grabbed a little black dress (just above knee length), I grabbed my white vans too. I put all my makeup into a bag and grabbed a pair of leggins, a tshirt and a hoodie for tomorrow and put it all in my backpack, besides the dress of corse.

I ran up to Thomas' flat and nocked. He flew the door open, "Hey my gorgeous girlll! I missed youuu!" Wow, it smelt amazing! "Tommy, it smells amazing!"

You're The One For Me [TBS Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now