hows life?

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"You're home late Jaren"
"I-its not what you think p-please"
Jaren looked fearfully into Alvin's eyes knowing what would happen as Smii7y prayed Alvin would go easy.


Jaren cried on the concrete floor violated by his toxic lover. Alvin would have to let smii7y go otherwise they would go broke.

Alvin came in the room and un-chained smii7y "make more money thirsty slut" chanted Alvin as smii7y got ready.

He walked into Club L with a heavy heart to hear craig explaining something.

"Jaren! You're just in time. I have an idea, a Mini gang! I hack moo heals you snipe Squeak bombs del close combat and scott guns!" Mini said faster than we could process

(Timeskip again cause I'm lazy)

"Craig no our shifts start soon"
"Craig yes! C'mon mom it'll be fun we can take on the other town gang! We could be famous!" Craig said.

Someone else was listening in on the conversation...
"Were moving to Los Santos to room in 3 days we cant start fights now."
Jaren piped up. "um..I like Craig's idea... when we move we could gang up.. were moving for this job and it's free so I say we just have fun over there later. They gave us a bunch of money to find and or build a new house for the business there" said lui

"All who agree we should accept Craig's offer raise there hand" said brock. Lui,Del,Craig,and Scott raise there hands
With a sigh "I guess its decided then" went brock
"Were a gang now."

Everyone cheered and talked until thier shifts started. The creeper fled to wherever.


"We use the demons and hold onto the plane and find somewhere to hide"
"Start packing the plane leaves in 5 days you buttfucks" ??? Said as they left the room.

"Well guess we have no choice then..."

John licked his lips as he watched Smii7y but.... John sensed a problem...he looked at the strippers eyes and saw a secret. Vapemaster69 at it again helping people. Thought John so like the creepy detective he was decided.... he was following smii7y home.. like a stalker..



Craig panted as he was given another hickey, although, nothing seemed to please him anymore. After he saw that one customers eyes yesterday, he felt so intrigued by the man though not in love.

"Lap. Now" said the man who ordered craig around like an object. Craig gave him a lap dance and continued the poor torture till the end of the day. Was he really losing his performance over a man he may never see again?


Smii7y was going back "home" to his "lover." Just the thought of Alvin scared Smii7y and caused him to quicken his pace as not to cause any more harm.

"I'm home." Said Jaren as he walked into his concrete room in the back of the house. "Took you long enough whore. I got a new gag to make sure you wont scream while you're beaten" Alvin said

Under his breath Jaren said "have you ever thought about being nice?"
"What was that slut?"
"No that was something..." said Alvin as he pulled out a knife
"I'm sorry it was nothing Master"
"I don't need your sass Ja- slave, get on your knees and work before I slit your neck I'm not happy with you cause you need to move from me for your stupid job"

Jaren kneeled down and grabbed a sponge, sure, he wasn't a dam in distress but he really could use some help,especially with his bo- Alvin...

As if on time a recognized customer Jaren saw burst in the room
"Who the fuck are you?!" Said Alvin enraged
"Tsk language its whom the fuck and that would be me, stop treating your partner in a shit way!"

"Smit do you know him?"
"No but I'll sacrifice myself to him if he can save me from you"
"I'll save you, no sacrifice needed but seriously I have good hearing and if that's how you show love I'd hate to see how you treat an enemy"

The customer punched Alvin knocking him out instantly
"Names John, your hero, grab your stuff you live with me for now"


"So hows life?"
"Pretty shit"
They giggled
"I didn't catch your name."
"Didn't throw it but I cant tell you so call me by my stripper name, Smitty"
"Who was that guy anyway?"
"Now my Ex bf Alvin"
"Did you say BF?"
"Yea fuck you gon do about it?" They both laughed again.

When they got to John's it was huge. A 3 story house with 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and so much more.
"Hey thanks for the help but I'm moving soon anyway. It's for my job"
"Ay it's okay I'm moving to. To Los Santos the home of crazy shit"
"Legit? So am I!"

They continued to talk and laugh all night. Cracking jokes and laughing about the stupid city of Los Santos. They played games until John had to head to his night job.

"Night smithers get some rest"
"I will but I leave early so you better not miss me tomorrow"
"Alarm set for 5:00"

They shared the night's last laugh as Jaren head up to his room and change. Something about John really calmed Jaren. For now he must worry about his dreams cause its already 10:30. The night was silent but activity was there.

For John would get sleep
But his demon and crew were wide awake


971 words

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