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[Anything not canon is changed for plot in this idea. That or my tired mind has forgotten about it.]

11 year old Harry isn't okay. He is a child from an abusive household and sometimes he needs to get away. Sometimes he has to hide in order to stop pretending to be okay.

With the thought in his head that he wished to get lost, in order to have a legitimate excuse for hiding, he ends up finding the room of lost things...i.e. the room of requirement.

He is fascinated with all the items within and decides to explore the room. At some point he finds a certain  horcrox (sp?)
Being the child he is Harry puts it on, not knowing it was anything other than a pretty tiara.

The soul within the tiara uses this and tries to see if the boy would be a good host...only to see how similar they are. This piece of soul doesn't know about the roll Harry played in his demise.

He see's the abuse, the neglect, the cupboard, and seethes. Tom Riddle may have lived in an orphanage but he at least had a bed, food, clothes that fit. This boy was denied those things. This boy who speaks to snakes just like he can, this has him curious, perhaps they are related in some form? After all squibs lines often lead to magical children with lost magical traits.

So instead of taking the boy as a host, he decides to play nice.

Harry is shocked when he hears a voice in his head complimenting how good the tiara looks on him. He cannot see the person speaking but is told that they are in the tiara. How this could be he doesn't know but they seem nice enough. The voice apologizes for startling him and asks for the year.

This is when they both discover how long the tiara has been in the room. Harry is horrified that this person has been alone that long and asks if they want him to take the tiara out. (After talking a bit more anyway)

Tom agrees but tells him to keep it secret because there might be bad men in the school. When questioned, Tom tells Harry about his treatment at the hands of his old transfiguration teacher Dumbledore. (Slightly exaggerated to be more sinister)

Harry is horrified of course, especially when he asks further and discovers Dumbledore's attempts to read Tom's mind.  (One of the things Tom tells to add to the whole 'he's not as nice as people think' thing) this also leads to Harry being taught not to look anyone directly in the eye.

It's still early in first year so Harry has not really gotten the clues about the stone yet. Harry takes the tiara with him and throughout the year Tom growns the inklings of doubt and distrust in Harry for both Dumbledore and some people in gryffindor. He tells Harry how things were for him in his time at school, this causes Harry to disparage his choice in house...if only because he would have gotten some peace if he let the hat choose.

(Tom still tells him that he is very slytherin because no one would suspect a snake in the lions den....or something like that)

He teaches Harry to use magic without a wand, how to walk and talk and make people believe whatever he wanted them to believe. He entices and encourages Harry's hate of his relatives and promises to help him escape. Harry really likes Tom, he doesn't have to pretend to be someone he isn't. He doesn't need to be brave or nice or okay.

Tom knows, Tom understands.

As time goes by Tom begins to quite like Harry, he is proud when the boy succeeds and angry when someone crosses him. Tom continues to teach him while making sure Harry doesn't get involved in any of Dumbledore's schemes (Harry is quite put off when Tom makes mention of just how convenient the information reaches Harry and yet none of the other students. Harry knows a trap when he see's one and the whole stone thing reeks of a trap.)

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