3. Partner Project

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Today I woke up happy for once, we stayed at the bakeshop longer than planned because we lost track of time. The three of us talked for almost two hours. After, I was a bit confused when Hado said he was shy. He was smiling, laughing, and talking with us as if we've known him for years. He seemed so comfortable and happy, not awkward or shy at all. 

As soon as I walk into the classroom Hado and Mirio are practically in my face. 

"Hey Hey (Y/N)! How was your night?" Mirio exclaimed.

"Did you sleep well? Are you excited about today? We're getting partner projects today!" Hado added. 

I was a little overwhelmed with all the words being thrown at my face. "Ah, well actually I had a great night. I was actually with Tamaki and my little sister Shiou at the bakeshop for awhile last night." 

Both Mirio and Hado froze with shocked faces. 

Hado was the first to mumble a sentence, "W-wait, Tamaki? Like, our Tamaki? The anti-social and shy one??" 

I nodded my head, "Yeah, Shiou accidentally ran into him and after we talked for a tiny bit Shiou asked for him to stay, and he said okay. Did you know he's good with kids??"

Mirio still sat there dumbfounded, "That's crazy, Tamaki has never hung out with anyone other than us. Ever. And the even crazier part is that he met you yesterday and he's somehow more comfortable with you than almost anyone else he knows." 

It made me feel really good about myself when he said that. He doesn't like many people and he chose to hang out with me? 

I turned to Hado, "I guess he does like me after all?" She smiled and patted me on my back, "See I told you! I knew you two would get along well. Just don't get along too well, if you know what I'm saying!" I lightly pushed her and laughed, but I only laughed so I could distract them from noticing that I was a bit red in the face, "What! No! Jeez, why would you think that!" 

Hado Laughed, "Well, Tamaki has never freely hung out or even spoken to a girl student that wasn't me. I mean and that he got comfortable with you so quickly I think says something!" 

"No no I mean we're-" I was cut off by the sound the door opening. 

"Ah, sorry I'm late, I overslept," Tamaki said rushing over to his desk and putting his bag down. 

"Is that because you were out late?" Hado asked in her mischievous, playful tone. Tamaki flinched, "Well, um, that's not the entire reason, no. I just-...couldn't sleep." Hado smiled and turned back around to face the front of the class, "Hmm...okay if you say so!" Everyone sat down as the teacher walked in. 

"Alright everyone, good morning, so as some of you might know we're doing a partner project. You will be doing research and writing a paper on your partner's quirk. So you need to be able to observe their quirk for two days, so you will be going to one of your houses to ask questions and do demonstrations. It will be due on Friday, Understood? Alright, I chose your partners so listen carefully." 

I anxiously waited to hear my name, I was terrified that I was going to get some random guy I don't know. And I'm going to have to go to his house? That's going to be awkward as hell and I don't want to do that. 

"Hado and...Mirio"

I turn to Hado, "Aw lucky! You got Mirio, at least that's easy! I hope I don't get anyone weird." 

She smiled, "Hopefully, Hey Mirio who's house should we go to?" 

He thought for a moment, "We can go to mine! And I'll order food for us!" 

Damn, that must be nice to just do a paper on a friend and eat food...

"(Y/N) and...Tamaki"

"OH THANK GOD." I accidentally yelled out loud. I heard Tamaki laugh behind me. I turned around and smiled, "We got lucky, huh?" 

He smiled a little and nodded, "Yeah, so do you want me to come over to your house? Or-um, we can go to mine if you want it's up to you I really don't-"

"Tamaki, don't overthink it. We can go to mine, Shiou will be happy to see you again." I smiled and turned back around. After class, Tamaki and I were walking to our..." gym " class if that's what you want to call it. 

"So, what is your quirk anyway?" I asked. 

He looked at me for a second, like he was processing what I asked him, "Oh um, my quirk is manifest, I can obtain any characteristic of anything that I eat. As long as it's still in my system I can use it. If I eat chicken I could choose to have wings and claws almost the entire day. I can also combine them, I combined crab and octopus once before."

Not many things amaze me, but that did. I was looking at him with absolute awe for a few seconds before I was able to respond,

"Woaah! That's so cool! I wish I had a quirk that cool. I mean if my quirk had to do with eating I would be extremely powerful," I laughed. It's true, I eat way too much sometimes, like when I stress eat and all that. I saw his face flush a bit red after I said that, and it was adorable. 

"Ah, thanks, what's yours then?" He looked at me with curious eyes. 

"Hm well it's called Luminosity, I can cover any handheld object with a bright, powerful, light to create weapons of my choosing. But if my body temperature isn't in the correct range It won't work as well, plus if I use it too much I can easily burn my hands and arms."

"Hmm, that sounds like a really powerful quirk honestly, you could become an exceptional hero with that type of quirk if you use it correctly." 

I smiled and blushed a little bit just looking at him, "Thanks!" We continued walking until we got to where we needed to go. 

Gym was, interesting, we worked on multiple target attacks and defenses. I lacked in the defense part since I wasn't able to make a shield big enough to block and withstand seven different attacks. So I'm a bit scratched up now. So I had to go through the rest of my classes with a headache but it was okay. 

Since Tamaki will be coming over to my house later. 

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