Chapter 1

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Helen and Elidi Brook were giggling as they talked preparing for school.

"Girls! Come down I need to talk to you!" their mother yelled up to them. They froze and made eye contact.

"Do you think she knows that it was me who played that prank at school?" asked Helen.

"Probably." Helen groaned at what her twin said.

"Coming mom!" Helen yelled down to their mother. "Race you down." Helen and Elidi started racing downstairs. They saw their mother looking at a letter with a look of happiness and sadness.

"You called?" Their mother picked the letter up from the ground before going quiet, took a breath.

"Girls... pack your bags we're going to England." 

"Uh.... okay?" Helen said confusedly.

"W-what about school?" Helen gave her sister a wtf look. "Come on Helen don't give me that look."

"Your brother he... he's alive..."

"Our brother?" the girls said in confusion. 

"I thought he was dead." Elidi said surprised.

"Yeah, same."

"I was lied to... my baby boy..." Tears entered her eyes. "He's alive..." She wiped her tears. "Sorry girls just start packing please." The girls nodded their heads and started running upstairs and started packing.

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