Chapter 2: Illusions??

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They all sat down at the table, every single one of them giddy with happiness and excitement. Emily's mom walked up to the table holding a glass plate, again made by her grandparents, filled with processed and unwanted trash, that we call hot dogs. Then out came Margret with the homemade mustard and ketchup. "Eat up kids," declared her mom. Each of the friends dropped off their presents at the present table, and made their way to the extravagant dining table. "Emily can I talk to you about something," Aaron had said with a wink across the table, almost as soon as they sat down. A grin came upon Emily's face with a small blush as they made their way to the secret spot they wanted to go to every time they wanted to make out. They made their way behind the house and into the garage and out on the other side right behind a budding weeping willow tree with the leaves cascading down, covering the couple inside. Emily leaned her back against the tree as he put his arm above her, his face inching closer to hers. He stopped right in front of her lips, he has a small grin on his face, because he knew he was teasing her. She couldn't take it any longer and slowly moved her lips onto his. Her hands as if by instinct were drug through his brown hair, as she licked his bottom lip. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer, inhaling her. She had already felt the electricity building as his mouth opened signifying for her to entangle their tongues. His hands slid up her back sending tingles through her spine, he slowly moved his mouth from her lips, to her jawline, to her neck, slightly sucking when she heard someone coming through the garage. "Stop, stop someone is coming," whispered Emily. Aaron smiled sheepishly and back away, both of them walking back through the garage to see their friends standing there with their hands on their hips. "Really," they both asked in unison. They all just laughed it off and went back to the picnic table and finished eating their processed meat.

Then out comes Emily's mom with a lighter and some purple candles to put on the confetti cake, with the wispy icing on the top. "Ahem," Emily's mom cleared her throat. "Ready, Happy birthday," they all began to sing, "to Asia, Happy Birthday to you." When her blush finally went away from the embarrassment of people singing to her, she had a smile bigger than the lake itself. As she blew out the last of her candles, everything seemed to go into slow motion. Emily saw an abandoned forest and there was a ringing in her ears. She fell to the floor clutching her hand to her ear that seemed like it was threatening to ooze blood out of it. Her chest seemed wet and cold, as she looked around the abandoned lake. She had heard laughing spilling out over the trees of the forest and found herself back at the birthday party with her friends laughing and smiling like nothing happened. I wasn't even on the ground, when I seemed to come back to the real world. "Emily, are you ready to go and swim," asked Asia with beaming excitement. Emily smiled at her and they all went to the changing rooms outside of her house and out to the glimmering lake.

Asia ran straight to the beach and jumped into the lake while trying to swim her fastest to the middle of the water already wanting to play Marco Polo. Emily smiled at her childish wonder, because sometimes she doesn't realize she is almost an adult. Her thought was shaken when Aaron grabbed her by the legs and swept Emily to his broad shoulders dragging her into the water. She squealed, as her other friend, Harper, began the game of Marco Polo. "Marco," called Asia as she began to splash around to find and tag at least someone in the large area of water. "Polo," the rest of us shout in unison. "Marco," this time it wasn't Asia who yelled the name. The ringing came back to her ears, but not as intense this time. "Marco, where the hell is he," asked someone from the shores of the woods. "Marco, where did you go, you aren't supposed to wonder from the group," yelled the mysterious voice. "Got you Emily," laughed Asia, as she brought her back to the lake, and her friends. "Huh," Emily asked confused. "I got you, you're it now. Is something wrong," asked Asia now concerned. "Yeah yeah I'm great, do you want to play chicken now," Emily announced trying to change the subject. Everyone seemed to like that idea as Asia began to climb onto Harper's shoulders. Aaron laughed behind Emily as he hoisted her onto his strong shoulders. "Ready, set," began Asia. "Go," yelled Harper over Asia. The Harper-Asia team began to walk over to the Aaron-Emily team and they just so happened to get to Aaron when he was about to fall and pushed him over as they both began to fall to the bottom of the lake with a splash. Emily laughed, as she opened her eyes to see something shiny at the bottom of the lake. She swam to it, and noticed that is was the ring she found earlier in the walk-in that she thought she grabbed and put on her dresser in her room. The ring seemed to be calling to her as she swam and picked it up. She read the side of it and swam back to the surface ready to tell her friends what she had found. When she got back to the surface, her friends weren't there, and all she could see for miles was empty water.

A/N So it has been forever since I have wrote something and put it on here. Precisely a year, because you know life is busy and hectic, but here I am back and alive. So anyways I'm actually writing a story and am hoping to get it actually done and made and hopefully have another one after this one if it is good enough. If you're reading this part of the story thanks for the reads, and maybe even votes. Also in the comments if there was something that you liked or didn't like leave a comment and let me know. I can take criticism, and please give me that criticism because I need it if I'm going to become a better author. Thank you!! Byeee hope you continue to read ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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