Green is the Color: Al Discovers Jealousy

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Alastor watched the door while sipping on bitter coffee. He knew it was only a matter of time before Vaggie returned... then, Charlie would be attempting to win her heart back. Perhaps he too should leave? He wasn't sure if he could stand watching Charlie chase after someone other than himself. Though lately, he felt as if he was doing the chasing. He brought Charlie flowers the other day. She had been avoiding him for a little while now and he didn't know why. Even the flowers didn't waver her feelings...

The radio demon sighed and leaned back in his chair. And then, it happened.

The door creaked open to make way for the short demonic terror that was Charlie's ex girlfriend.
"Vaggie," Alastor said flatly. The gray skinned girl ignored him. She always disliked him. She walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and Alastor followed her. If Charlie woke up and found Vaggie here... she would either burst with excitement or crumble all over again. He didn't want to see either. "What makes you think you can just waltz in here without warning?" Vaggie looked up at him and raised a brow. "Um because I still technically live here? Relax. I need to get some of my things. I'm crashing at a friends house and we're going to train later today."

Charlie walked into the kitchen, "Morning, Alast—...Vaggie?" The once bright smile on Charlie's face faded instantly. Just when she was about to stop with the cold shoulder! The radio demon forced a smile as he looked between Charlie and Vaggie. His heart burned as if someone was pouring hot acid over it, and it leaked into the pit of his stomach, causing it to feel uncomfortable. He suddenly felt irritable. Alastor furrowed his brows at Vaggie.
The short demon waved to Charlie awkwardly and smiled small, "Heh... hey Charlie." The blonde seemed to shrivel up at the sight of her ex. The same dreadful look returned to her face... the one Alastor hopes never to see again. He put his arm around Charlie in a protective way and looked down at her, lifting her chin to look up at him, "Dearie why don't you go get back into bed? I'll serve you breakfast in there if you would like?" But Charlie didn't respond.
Vaggie walked up to Charlie. The blonde looked at her sadly, "What are you doing here? Are you coming back?" There was a hint of hope in her voice that Alastor couldn't ignore. He bit his lip and moved his arm off of Charlie as Vaggie gave her a hug.

Alastor watched as tears welled up in Charlie's eyes. Then, he spoke loudly, "You should be going don't you think? Rather than breaking Charlie's heart all over again?" Vaggie and Charlie looked at him in shock. Tears still threatened to fall from the innocent blonde's eyes, and Alastor leaned down, then used a thumb to catch the few that did fall. Vaggie scowled and crossed her arms. Alastor stared at her with hard eyes, "Go. Now." He said coldly, and so she quickly left to her old room, getting her things. Charlie looked at Alastor, "What was that all about? I've never seen you angry before." The deer demon didn't have a proper, fully truthful answer for her, so he only told her what he knew, "I don't like to see you cry. Especially over someone who isn't worth the tears anymore."

Vaggie walked out to them, looking at Alastor and Charlie. She had her things and was about to leave when the four-armed demon swooped in and said, "Vaggie~! So good to see you! Are you going to stay for a bit before you go?"

He had been listening all along... chances were, he knew something Alastor didn't. Did Vaggie still like Charlie...? Who was he kidding, of course she did! Who wouldn't love Charlie? The blonde grinned weakly, "Yeah I can make tea or something!" Alastor blurted out, "I'll help!" He smiled, and got looks from everyone at his hasty response. Charlie smiled at him, "That would be great! Thank you, Alastor." With that, the two began making the tea.

Vaggie sat with Angel, Husk, and Nifty on the sofa in the lobby.

Alastor looked at his crush, "My dear, are you alright? Her sudden appearance can't be easy," he acknowledged. Charlie looked up at him, and it seemed like her eyes were a lot warmer than before now that she was all alone with him. "Yes, I'm fine now. It was just a little shocking, that's all." The radio demon didn't believe that she was truly okay, because regardless of how warm her eyes were compared to how empty they were not moments ago, he knew deep down that, even if he didn't like it, Charlie still had feelings for Vaggie. And he knew she still carried scars on her heart that would never fully heal... though he could try to mend her somewhat.

Alastor put a hand on Charlie's shoulder, "You don't have to smile all the time you know. Especially in front of me. I may dislike frowns," especially your's... "But I cannot deny that a true smile is always better than a fake one! You can't get a faulty grin like that past me!"

Charlie looked down and at last let out a sigh. "I don't know what to do, Alastor... I've been really conflicted lately. I can't seem to figure out... what I'm feeling." The blonde paused for a moment as she looked at him, then looked out at Vaggie. Alastor felt a twinge of the same pain from earlier twist like a corkscrew into the pit of his stomach. "Ah... Charlie?" He grabbed her chin, making her look at him in an attempt to make her focus on him. "Charlie..." he wanted her attention... badly. And he wasn't sure he'd ever been this desperate for a woman's eyes to be on him. She looked astonished by his actions, but didn't flinch away. She stayed where she could feel his hot breath against her lips.

"Alastor..." she whispered.

And that's when Vaggie walked in. "You guys coming out or what?" Now Charlie jumped away from him, startled by the sudden sound of someone else's voice, and alarmed by it being Vaggie's. She looked guilty if something, and Alastor felt himself desiring to frown. A perfectly good moment; ruined! Ruined by an ex who doesn't deserve my— he paused. Not his Charlie... he had to remind himself. Charlie was not his. In fantasy's, maybe! But not here. Not now. The demon wasn't sure what came over him next, but he walked closer to Vaggie. "How dare you waltz back into this hotel, ruin the progress Charlie was making towards escaping heartbreak that you caused, then insist on barging in on private conversations, because you're growing impatient!" Vaggie raised a brow at him, "Woah, chill. I was just wondering what was taking so long."

Charlie wrapped her arms around Alastor's slim arm, "Al... it's okay, she didn't do anything wrong." The blonde gave him a worried look, "Are you feeling okay?" Alastor didn't answer for a moment. Am I okay? Was he? He didn't know... but for Charlie's sake... "Yes. Just tired of people walking all over you. And your fragile heart," he said as he folded his arms behind his back. The deer felt a little proud having Charlie cling to his arm in worry, but the pride was quickly drowned out by more of that strange feeling. What was it? He read about this before... heard about it, but never experienced it.
It wasn't quite the same as envy.

Envy was based on pride one is missing out on. Pride of ownership, pride of leadership, pride of social status and educational achievements, pride of opportunity.
This feeling was more sentimental.

Vaggie shook her head, "I didn't walk all over Charlie. Don't accuse me of doing such a thing!" She pointed her spear at Alastor. The demon looked at it with a hint of humor in his eyes. "You're just angry because you know I'm right." And it was the way that Vaggie then looked at Charlie that put a word to how Alastor was feeling.


And he would continue to feel jealous. Over, and over again. Caught in a hopeless loop of desire, fantasy, then a smack from reality.

//DONT WORRY. You'll see the jealous side of Al again! This was like a little taste of it -w-)/ I hope you liked it. There's going to be a lot of chapters introducing different feelings to Alastor since Charlie is the first person he ever felt love for in a romantic way. So you'll see more "Al discovers", but that doesn't mean that's the only scenario where you'll see Alastor have those feelings. He'll act on his jealousy the next time he gets jealous, now that he knows what it is. If you guys have any chapter ideas, lemme know! I'll give you a shoutout in the chapter if you inspire me! Love you all~!💕💕💕

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