Left in the black. In the void. Alone. Just as she always was. Even if she had friends, in the end when it came to her most immediate family- her parents, she was left, Alone.

She shot up in bed, sitting upright, barely able to breathe. Her hands were caught in her deep, dark chocolate hair as she tried to steady her breathing. The air was so heavy, and it seemed to be draining out of the room with every breath she took.

Sobs were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't control how loud they were. She still saw her mom. The tall man. The woman called 010. She shivered, tears rushing down her cheeks like waterfalls.

She'd brought her knees to her chest, still crying, trying to calm herself in any way.

The door swung open, and her room was flooded with the light from the hallway. Standing there was none other than her aunt, seeming a mix of confused and worried.

"What happened?" Nancy asks quietly, moving into the room slowly.

Sarah tried to speak. Tried to get her thoughts out, but they only came out as sobs and aggressive hyperventilating.

Nancy wrapped her arms around her, slowly running her hands through her hair.

Sarah turned to look at the clock on her dresser. It read 4:27 AM in bright red letters.

Sarah's breathing was still shaky, but it had been calmed so she no longer hyperventilated or sobbed.

"Whatever happened, it was just a dream, alright? They can't hurt you." Nancy tried to reassure her, not realizing she'd been in the void and it was indeed real.

"He knows I'm in Hawkins." Sarah spoke frantically.

"Who? Who knows you're in Hawkins?" Nancy asked, knowing who but wanting to hear it from Sarah.

"I never heard his name, this lady, like mom but different, she called him papa. He-he had this white hair and was in a suit."

Nancy's eyes widened. She was now in fear of what could happen and pulled Sarah out of bed.

Her legs were half asleep, meaning standing was difficult as she tried to fix her stance. Before she could even adjust to being awake and up, Nancy had turned on the light and nearly blinded her.

Nancy reached under the bed, grabbing out Sarah's old suitcase, a yellow one that she only used if she went to stay with her grandparents for long lengths of time.

She'd never been on a vacation. For years she never understood because all her friends went on family vacations, but when she brought the question to Nancy she was shot down.

Now she knew that was because they could find them on the flight and ultimately take Sarah. She accepted it now.

Nancy was throwing clothing from her dresser and closet in. Including clothes that she'd hung in her closet that once belonged to her parents.

There was no set list, it was just frantic packing. When Nancy thought there was a good amount of clothes in the case she grabbed anything else Sarah may need, before zipping up the case.

Nancy threw it out of the room, and it slid down the stairs, landing on the floor with a loud thud, which woke Jonathan.

"What's going on?" he asked, rubbing his eyes in confusion and exhaustion as Sarah helped pack her backpack.

She shoved in a few things she thought would be good for wherever she was going, because even if she was going grandpa Hopper's for a while, things could get boring.

"Sarah's going to stay with Hopper. Brenner's on her trail. We need to bide our time."

Nancy rushed downstairs to the phone, dialing Hopper's number.

After a short and not so sweet conversation with Hopper, Nancy whisked Sarah out of her room.

Sarah was still in her hoodie and shorts ensemble as Nancy dragged her out to the car, throwing the luggage into the back.

They arrived at Hopper's in less than half an hour, and he greeted them, taking Sarah inside.

Joyce was up too, sitting at the table, beckoning Sarah to sit with her.

Sarah looked at Hopper, who was locking the door. Multiple locks, before finally deadbolting the thing. The blinds were all shut, even the ones in Sarah's room.

In fact, they were locked, too. Something more dangerous than Sarah had thought was going on was happening.

"I never wanted to do this again. But, you're gonna have to stay here for however long like your mom did. Don't open the blinds, and don't open the door unless you hear our secret knock."

He knocked rhythmically on the table, and Sarah nodded in return.

"Good. Now, it's nearly morning and I think if you can, sleep a bit more." he smiled at her, patting her on the head.

She shivered, walking to the bedroom and laying on the old mattress, hoping and praying that she was okay, and her parents were too.

woahhhh things are coming to a boiling point

okay so, the next chapter is going to be centred around Mike and El, and the one after that will involve what happens to Sarah when things get nuts.

So all in all, this book will probably have about ten, maybe eleven chapters? I'm not quite sure yet, but we will see.

hope you enjoyed!

Finding a Way Back Home - MilevenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin