Chapter Six

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Sarah's feet splashed against the watery floor of the void. She examined her surroundings, trying to find an ounce of light.

Something strangely interesting to her was how although the entire void was jet black there was still light. It seemed to stem from her as well.

Her feet were cold as she walked through. She was in shorts and a baggy sweater, and she was almost determined to find something.

But yet she had no such interest. She also just wanted to wander aimlessly to pass the time.

The clock drawled slowly past 2 o'clock and she continued to wander through, still she found nothing and grew disappointed in herself, forgetting that she still had no clue how her powers worked.

She moved through, ready to quit and bring herself back up into the real world, when finally somebody was illuminated through mist.

Sarah didn't see him from the front. She walked closer, trying to be quiet to try and not let him sense her. She squinted up at him, and slowly walked around him so she could see his face.

He was a tall and skinny old man. White hair, and an evil scowl on his face. Clearly he was talking to someone who didn't come into view, and he was clearly into a conversation deep.

His wrinkles changing shape every time the person made a rebuttal. For some reason she couldn't hear it, perhaps too caught up in her questions. But finally she heard someone.

"I see her. She's in front of you." a girl, probably her mothers age came into view, staring her down from the back.

She turned around to face her. The scariest part? This girl could see her.

"Good, 010. She can see me, no? Make sure she's facing me as I speak to her." the mans voice held a toxicity in it, and that was when she felt icy hands clamp onto her arms.

The woman had her hands on her, and she turned her around so she would face the man.

Chills ran down her arms and legs. Her sweater didn't work for this. She felt tears in her eyes as the man made eye contact with her.

Her breathing became shallow and quick. She could barely pull in a complete breath.

"We will find you. We know where you are. Maybe not Illinois, but we know you're somewhere in Hawkins. We will find you," the man paused, hesitating as he saw the woman holding onto Sarah beginning to tremble in the real world.

"010? What's the issue?"

"Th-there's someone else here, papa. She can see me and I see her."

The form of a woman came into view, she looked furious, staring down 010 as she moved closer.

That was when 010 faded out of the void, and Sarah felt the grip release. Soon after the tall stalky man did, and her mother was revealed.

She just began to run, but she seemed out of reach no matter how close she tried to get. Finally, she ran into her arms.

But it didn't work. This was still the void and her mother was going to fade out of it before she could even hug her for the first time.

And that was exactly what happened, right as they collided she turned to mist, leaving Sarah with a few encouraging words that didn't quite help.

"It's okay. You're okay. I love you, I'm here."

Sarah was horrified as she felt the cold mist enveloping her before ultimately disappearing. She felt a lump forming in her throat as she tried to reach out and speak to her.

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