Chapter 2

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I only watched the anime and don't know what happened after it, but for this story, let's just assume that Enki and the others got captured. Inori and Qi are forgiven for what they have done but they are being watched in case if something happens again. Everything is back to normal now. Also, the birthdays for everyone are made up.

Yu/Shizuha pov

I woke up with the sun shining in my face. Holding up a hand to block its blinding light, I saw Liang standing over me. "Morning, 哥." I said to him, getting out of my futon and folding it up. 

"Hey, Liang. You never told us you had a sister! And you never properly introduced us yesterday either." the teal haired kid said impatiently, appearing beside him with the old guy.

"I never told you guys because I thought she was dead!" Liang responded angrily. 

I stepped forward, knowing my brother's temper could make this get out of hand. "Call me Shizuha. And you two are?"

"I'm Upa, number 58. The old man over here is Qi, number 71."

"How many times do I have to tell you, stop calling me old man! I'm only 25!"

"And I'm 18! That's old enough to me!"

"Wait, time out guys. Can I ask you guys something?" They stopped arguing and looked at me. "What are do you usually do in your spare time?"

Upa answered "Meditate."

Qi answered "Play around with plants and see what kinds of medicine I can cook up."

Liang answered "Training exercises."

"And when are your birthdays?" 

Liang looked at me confused. "You forgot my birthday?!"

"I don't have that bad of a memory, bro! February 2nd, right?"


"I thought so. You're an Aquarius then."

"Wait, you believe in that stuff now?!"

"Well, kinda. I have a reason though..." I trailed off, not wanting him to know about my powers yet.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Can I get these two's signs first?" I asked him back with fire in my eyes. He saw it and mumbled "okay..."

"19th of December." Qi said.


"September 5th." Upa answered.

"Virgo. Perfect! Everything is going just as planned." I said a little too loudly.

"What are you inmates talking about?" Samon appeared at the door. "Planning on escaping, number 8? Well, I'll have you know that no one has ever escaped Nanba Prison and you definitely won't be escaping on my watch!" he said, getting into a fighting stance with his staff in his hands.

"That's not it, Supervisor!" Liang yelled, putting himself between us, like he used to. 

"We were talking about zodiac signs! Nothing else!" Upa added.

"Zodiac signs? Didn't you mention something about that yesterday, number 08?" Samon relaxed, then took a step towards me. Liang glared at him.

"Number 02, relax. Don't be so overprotective of your little sister. She is your little sister, right?" he said, holding up his hands in peace.

"Yeah," Liang said, finally relaxing and sitting down beside me. Upa and Samon sat down too. Qi was already on the ground reading a book of some kind. After a few seconds passed, Samon sighed and joined us. "In 5 minutes, we need to start training. So how do you figure out who has which zodiac sign?" he asked.

"You guys know how the Chinese zodiac works, right? How each year is represented by an animal and the animal of the year you were born in is your zodiac?" They all nodded. "Well, it's similar to that, except that the Western zodiacs are based on a certain amount of days in a year where the zodiac falls. Usually about a month's time is passed before the next zodiac season comes. If your birthday falls near the borderline, which is usually around the 20th day, we'd have to double check your zodiac to see if it's the right zodiac or not. Any questions so far?"

Qi spoke "Yeah, why are you the teacher all of the sudden?"

"That's because I'm the one who probably knows the most about this stuff!" I said, holding my head high.

Upa raised his hand. "What's your zodiac sign?"

"I was born on August 8th. I'm a Leo."

Liang asked his question, "Why did you tell them to call you Shizuha? Your actual name is-"

"Liang, I chose to do so because it'd be easier for everyone to remember a name that they'd already know."

"Then why 'silent feather'? You're not quiet at all, sis. And I don't understand the feather part at all."

"You'll see, bro. You'll all see." I answered mysteriously with a small grin. "Now, Samon, hasn't it been 5 minutes already?"

He looked at his watch. "You're right, number 08. Alright! Outside, all of you!" he said, getting up.


"Hey, bro. You asked me why I chose this name, right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I want to see how well your skills have grown while I was gone. Wanna spar?"

"Psh. I don't fight girls."

"Are you calling your own sister weak?" I asked him slyly. "You should never underestimate an opponent, 傻瓜." (means fool in Chinese)

"Yu, I can't. Not after I left you behind. I can't fight against you after all that."

"Idiot! I asked to spar with you, not to have a life and death battle! Now come on!" I yelled at him, pulling him to the center.

3rd person pov

"Is that the new inmate?"

"Yeah, looks like he's challenging Liang."

"We all know how this will go."

"Yeah, it's obvious. Liang has been training for his whole life. He doesn't look like he has trained for long if at all."

Samon cut into the inmates' conversation. "Never underestimate an opponent." he said, joining them in the shade. "This is going to be interesting."

They turned back around to watch the battle that was about to start.

Nanbaka fanfic: Liang's sister?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ