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I miss you darling
But it's not the same as before
Before I couldn't breathe without feeling the shape fast jabs of missing your touch.
Now it's just like an iron
It's slowly but surely heating up on my now callused heart
I'm stuck with the pain in the background
Not alway the center of attention
But always looming in the back
I think of you and I don't burst into tears
They slowly leak out one by one
I'm stuck with my heart burnt and my legs trembling beneath me
It's like I've truly began to understand why this life is so hard
Because without you I feel so alone and scared
But with time add too i feel insignificant and lonelier than I ever thought I could be
I know we say it won't be long
But to have to wait
193 days
193 nights
Before I can kiss your tender lips
Make ones soul weep for the time missed


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