It sends a rush of possessiveness through him, his eyes flashing alpha red. The omega heaves a deer up to his shoulder and stands up. The large animal slung across the omega's narrow shoulders, not a single drop of sweat or a whine slips out of the omega's mouth as he throws the animal into the vortex.

The omega bends his back by a bit and a loud crack rings out through the forest followed by a loud, sweet moan. Jack bites his lips, drawing blood. He could imagine the sweet voice moaning out his name as he fucks himself into that tight ass.

Jack could feel his slacks get tighter as more and lewder thoughts fill his head. The omega once again bends down to take the other deer and it takes all of Jack's self-control to stop himself from lunging at his prey and biting into the tender flesh of his neck, claiming him as his omega.

The omega once again stands upright and walks to the portal, this time jumping in with the animal around his neck. The portal shines brightly for a moment before disappearing with the omega.

Jack emerges from the hiding spot, a very obvious tent in his slacks. He takes a deep whiff of the air. He could smell it, but just faintly. The sweet and spicy scent of ginger and jasmine. He wants more of it.

Just as Jack is about to take another whiff, he hears the familiar crack of a whip followed by the thunderous footsteps of horses coming to a stop. Jack gets up and adjusts his clothing to cover the bulge in his slacks. He'd have to stop his little search for now, but he will find his little omega no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, Joseph locks himself in his studies as he searches through various files of documented omegas from the check-up done by the local doctor every year. He scans through each of their scents. Mint and lavender, ginger and jasmine, chamomile and vanilla. Finally, he stops at a certain document. Yellow Roses and cinnamon. Joseph's eyes shoot up to the name written in neat cursive on the top of the page. Aesop Carl.

Aesop Carl, an omega, 21 years old. He was born on May 11th to Ann and Jerry Carl, both parents are betas and are elites. Details on the document state that Aesop was abandoned at the young age of three and found by an older omega named Violetta Rosemary who took him in and now is his legal guardian.

Joseph also finds out he works as an embalmer for the local funeral services although never actually appearing in the town, rather dead bodies get sent to a certain drop off zones where they would be picked up by Aesop and returned when he is done, usually in a coffin made by Aesop himself. The documents also confirm that Aesop is a craftsman that trades his crafts to traders.

Joseph has heard very little about his little bird's biological parents. Ann and Jerry Carl were never top tiers of the elite class, he most likely seen their names once or twice in the list of people who work for him.

However, he has heard of their deaths. It was not shocking, but still made headlines. Ann and Jerry's bodies were found hanging on a street lamp from a hook that pierced through their necks.

As expected, the Hunt made his announcement of his murderous deeds in the noble gathering the following day, stating that they didn't pay up the money they owed him. Their bodies were sent to the embalmer.

Joseph ponders if his little bird still remembers the people who abandoned him or if he has forgotten them, as their bodies had been embalmed to prepare them for the afterlife, just a nameless couple who met an unfortunate end.

However, Joseph has heard plenty about Aesop's guardian. Violetta Rosemary is a well-known shop vendor in the elite market, words about her spread like wildfire ever since she first opened a stall at the elite market.

She is known for her excellent weaving skills, her abilities to make her crafts look so exquisite and luxurious from materials that are incomparable to the expensive, top-quality textile and cloths that Joseph's companies produce. This has earned her the title, Soul Weaver.

Dancing Under the MoonlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora