"She got what she deserved." Harry says and I'm saddened at the thought of what he did to her. It was so cruel of him. I don't even want to think about it. It was so low even for him. I finally feel Harry look down to me and I know he can tell my pained expression. There's a long silence that occurs between the four of us and I watch the people dancing to avoid the tension.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hungry. Have you guys checked out the humans we have set up back there? We have more than last year!" She states before pointing behind her. I try to look and see what she's talking about, but I can't see past her body.

"I can't wait to go there. I haven't tasted fresh blood for two weeks." Micheal states.

"Maybe you should move back home and you can have it fresh everyday and not live out in the woods." Gemma shoves her brother.

"I like it out in the woods. I'm staying with Harry for awhile, so I'll just have to drink as much as I can before I leave again, huh Harry?" Micheal winks at him, but Harry doesn't look entertained. He holds a blank face.

"How does this one taste?" I lightly gasp as Gemma grabs my arm and pulls me towards her.She opens her mouth wide and brings my wrist up to her mouth. My heart begins to race and I want to kick her and run away, but I know I can't.

Before she could fully plundge her teeth into my skin, I hear Harry yell, "No." before grabbing my waist and pulling me back towards him. I fall into his chest and straighten out my feet. I watch Gemma's expression go from confused to entertained.

"Oh, no Harry." She begins to laugh. "I knew it once I saw her."

"Go drink from someone else." Harry spits. I stay tucked into his chest with his hands still on my waist, protecting me in a way.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. Another human? Really?" She gives an evil grin as if this is a game to her. Harry stays quiet but I can feel his breathing getting heavier. I'm sure he looks more mad than ever.

"I figured after the last one, you wouldve realized that our kind doens't mix well with their kind." She continues.

"Hey, so how bout we go check out the humans they have. I'm starved." Micheal cuts in before Harry could respond back to his sister. My head begins to build with a million questions from what she said. I don't really understand what she means by another human. Was he territorial with another human like me once before. Aurora pops in my head and my blood boils of jelousy. DId he do this same thing with Aurora once?

Once Michael pulls Aurora away, Harry lets out a large sigh before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me the opposite direction of them. My feet stumble with his fast pace, but I do my best to keep up with him. Im confused where he is taking me when he pulls us into bundles of bushes. The branches scrape my bare skin and I'm happy when we come to an open path.

I look down and it goes a long ways with trees and bushes on the sides. It's beautiful and I wouldn't mind skipping out on the party and walking down it with Harry.

Harry stops in the middle of the bricks with his back facing me. The silence is torturous, but luckily there is still music faintly in the background from the party. I can tell by the way he is breathing that he is upset. Gemma shouldn't have said anything. She obviously knows how to push his buttons. Plus, if Aurora was who she was talking about then I definitely see why he's upset. He always seems to get mad at the mention of her name. I want to know who she is and why she has this affect on him, but I'm too afraid to ask.

"Harry?" My voice is barely audible. He doesn't say anything and I begin to wonder if he even heard me. I repeat his name, hoping he'll turn around and talk to me.

"Sorry" I think I hear him say. He turns around and grabs ahold of my arms which brings me shock. "I had to leave." He says, the look on his face soft.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He moves his hands down to his sides and shrugs.

"Who's Aurora?" My voice sounds pained. Not only am I afraid to ask, but I don't want to hear the answer.

His eyes close for a moment as he lets out a small breath, "She was someone.... I loved." He says and even though that's what I guessed I'm still shocked.

"Was she who Gemma was talking about?"

"Yes." He breaths.

"You loved her?" My voice weak. I wish he loved me.

"Yes." He repeats the same way. I can tell he doesn't want to talk about this.

"Was she...." I trail off.

"Human? Yes." He finishes for me and my stomach turns. I don't know why I feel so jealous. Knowing that this Aurora girl is human makes all the more sense to me now. What ever happened with her obviously upset Harry and that's why he won't let vampires and humans be together.

"What happened with her?" I ask in hope I can get more out of him.

"I don't want to talk about it, Ellie." He states and I slowly nod my head. I want to know more, but I'm happy to at least get something.

"Is she the reason that Niall and Ruby couldn't be together? She's the reason you made that rule?" My voice is shaky. I'm slowly reminded I told myself I was going to tell Harry I loved him and he happens to have that rule. I'm so foolish.

"Yes, Ellie. Please can you stop with the questions." He looks like he's getting upset.

"Why'd you want to come over here?"

"That's another question." He says and I'm relieved when he lightly chuckles afterwards.

"If I was around her I probably would've exploded. She knows how to taunt me." He answers and I nod my head.

"I can tell."

He shows a small smile and return the gesture. I look down the long path and wonder where it leads to. Harry turns around and glances at it.

"Shall we? I don't want to go back for a while anyways." He laughs and sticks out his arm for me to grab ahold of.

"Where does it lead." I ask curious.

He shrugs, "We can find out."

I look down at his arm and intertwine mine with his. He pulls me close to his body. The small electricity I feel causes chills to rise on my skin.

Tell him, I remind myself.

Harry begins to walk and I follow his steps. I really need to tell him, but this is such a bad time to do it.

"Harry?" I say, before I can decide to tell him later.

"Yes?" He stops when he realizes how nervous I look. He turns to me and grabs my arm.

"What's wrong?" He breaths.

"I need to tell you something."

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