Broken, Even Shattered

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Hey, Readers!!! I have some great news! I don't have one, not two, but a FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!!! MORE CHAPTERS FOR U!!!!!!!! HIp HIp HOORay!!!!!!LOLXD Anyhoo, here's Chapter 6, enjoy!!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

On the ride back to Fairy Tail, Lucy fell asleep, leaning on my shoulder. It felt nice to feel this comforted, but now wasn't the time to feel nice.

Someone was after Lucy, and I had to find out who.

I tried to think of those who knew Lucy ever since she was in Fairy Tail, but there was too many to count. Could it have been Dan, who was crushing on Lucy like crazy when she was kidnapped? Or maybe it was someone in the background, someone that we haven't noticed. As my mind went into thinking mode, it was broken by Levy's constant tapping of my shoulder. "What!" I growled.

"No need to be snappy." Levy mumbled. "I just wanted to know when you're proposing."

I could hear Lucy groaning in her sleep. I quickly soothed her by stroking my hand against her head, like I always do when she's having trouble sleeping. She settled down, and I darted my eyes at Levy. "How the hell did you know about that!" I hissed.

"It's not hard to get something from Gajeel." Levy winked.

"Did you tell anyone else?" I asked.

"Only Ezra, Juvia, Wendy, and Mirajane." Levy said.

"So, everyone." I sighed in frustration.

"How could I keep this to myself!" Levy protested.

I groaned and slouched in my seat. Lucy's head fell to my lap. "Natsu.....cupcakes....sweet.." Lucy muttered in her sleep. I chuckled. "What on earth could you be thinking."

When we got back to Fairy Tail, Lucy  ran off with Levy and Wendy into the crowd. I was a little nervous by letting Lucy out in the open, where the voice could easily electrocute her. "Natsu, you're as pale as a ghost." Gray pointed out.

"I'm just...nervous." I told them. "That mystery dude could attack at any moment."

"Lucy can protect herself. She's strong." Gajeel said.

"I know but-" 

"Just chill and be a MAN!" Elfman roared. So I decided to listen to them and try to just do some small talk. But sadly, it didn't work. The only thing on my mind was Lucy. My hands were shaking like crazy, and I could feel beads of sweat rolling down my neck. 

I couldn't take it anymore.

I left the table filled with guys and headed out to find Lucy.

Lucy P.O.V

Levy took me out of Fairy Tail so that we could go shopping. I'm still a little shaken up, but what harm will shopping do? We walked to the store STYLES, one of the top stores in the kingdom of Fiore. As we looked through the racks of clothes, I felt a little un-easy without Natsu. But I had to be a big girl about this. This guy was only a creep with a computer.


"Lu-chan! This would look cute on you!" Levy squealed, showing me this white dress with lots of frills.

"Why this? It looks more like something you'd wear to a wedding." I told her.

Her face suddenly turned a deep shade of pink. "Your right!" She pulled out a random shirt in the rack and shoved it to my chest. "This would be perfect!"

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