we're okay | 2020 UPDATED

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billie reassured me that i was okay. we went to the meet and great and billie finished up quickly, hugging all the fans and making sure they were okay.

billies pov:

i put on my story not to go near y/n at meet and greets because it scared me and her so much since we didn't expect it. the media are already giving me backlash for it but i really couldn't care less anymore y/n's saftey and health is the most important thing right now.

we are currently waiting in the greenroom for everyone to get in the venue. me and y/n are cuddled up on the sofa, i eating burritos and she's almost asleep. "y/n wake up" i mumble in to her ear. she rolled over and snuggled into me even more. as much as i love this little bean being all cute and warm on me i really have to go to my vocal warm up which are hella loud and screaming in her ear would be much worse than waking her up...

y/n's pov:

i'm awake. i don't want to move. i know she needs to. but no. it's not happening. i'm comfy. she's warm. i cant- "y/n i can see you smiling and your breathing changed, get up please i need to do my warm ups" damn it.  i roll off her i sit straight up looking down at my lap. i really shouldn't have done that but to be honest i don't care. it was too nice not to. billie places her knuckle under my chin and lifted it up, placing a kiss onto my cheek, making my cheeks immediately flare up a crimson red. " aw look at you, fuck you are soooo cute ahh" billie cried, "i really don't want to do my warm ups i'd rather sit with you all day, but i also need to see my fans"

billies pov:

no matter how much i love this girl i can not let my fans down, i mean without them i wouldn't have met this angel. i wouldn't have been able to save her from that tyrannical megalomaniac. i swear to god if i see him again it will be me beating his ass. "beautiful i have to go, come with me if you want but it's gonna be loud and lots of people crowding round me making sure all the equipment is in check,"  she looked up at me again the red glow still imminent upon her cheeks, "i uh don't know," i gently picked her up, swung her onto my back and carried her off to my backstage crew.

time skip: after show

y/n's pov:

she is so talented and gifted, her fans are still sweet; loud but very sweet. they were all waving these green heart through wish you were gay, held up signs that read "we are here to stay" through when the party's over, more signs that said "we will jump for you" through any of her bass songs. they turned their torches on through i love you and swayed them all in sync,  signs that said "please don't leave" trough everything i wanted.

one fan through xanny screamed "peridot." after the line "better off without them" which made billie uncontrollably giggle. finness through himself across stage and scared billie. as you can tell it was very eventful however right now billie has shut herself in her greenroom and won't let anybody in, i haven't tried going in because she slammed the door on her crew and she cares about them more so i'm not gonna test my luck. for. at very reason i have locked myself in a stall in the toilets, feet up so no one can see me.

i cant stop thinking about my old life with my dad and how, in a twisted way, i miss him. don't get me wrong i'm very grateful of everything billie and billies team have done for me i just miss my room, all my belongings and the good times between my dad. despite his normal horrible behaviour, there way very few and far between good point where we would go bowling or to the cinnema.

i remember this one time we went bowling, we had to wait an hour before a lane was open so we went upstairs to the arcade. my dad had 4 pints of guinness in that hour. after our lane opened, he had 4-5 more pints however it still didn't hit his head. after our match we decided to go get food from the pub across the road and that's where it all went wrong. the cold air stabbed his intoxicated lungs, twisting the poision pulsing through his bloodstream, enhancing its malicious powers. he walked into the pub, verbally adulting 3 workers, ordered another pint and tried giving me alchol, ignoring the law. i ordered a taxi home however when we went outside he dragged me into the bar underneath the pub and ordered another pint. at that point i called him girlfriend at the time, who told me to get in the taxi and leave him which i did. he never came home that night. i woke up and sprinted down to the hospital and found him in the resus ward, awake. apprently he passed out in a petrol station toilet and police broke in and found him. the first thing he said to me when i got there was "this is all your fault and you are dead when we get home" he was right. it was my fault, i don't watch what he was drinking, i left him there alone with nothing, and he did beat me when we got home, however i still miss the fun part of that night.

billies pov:

after my show i was so mad for no reason and shut myself in my greenroom. i expected my mum, my dad, finneas and y/n all to still come in. they all did expect y/n which i ignored for a whole bevause i was mad.

that was an hour ago. she still hasn't come back. i'm going to go look for her. "mom i'm off to find y/n it's been to long, text me if she comes back"

after exiting my greenroom i glared and my
team for no reason, although if y/n is hurt there will be a reason and hell to pay. i paced the corridors looking for her when i heard shuffling from he toilets. i entrees and crept in, lifting myself onto the sink top. i hear faint crying from inside. "mamas why didn't you come in the greenroom?" she jumped, pulled out loads of tissues, in geussing to dry her eyes. she stayed in there not answering me. "baby when are you crying" she hopped up so i could no longer see her little feet. "come out of there now and tell me whats going on" she emerged, looking down and comepletly swevered me however i jumped up and blocked the door so she couldn't leave.

y/n's pov;

this is just like my dad. he did the before in a public toilet. i cant breathe. i think i'm having a panic attack. i can hear billie muffling something but i cant focus. i start choking, coughing and start going lightheaded. the last thing i hear before blacking out is billie screaming "MOM!"

A/N IF YOU THINK IM COMING BACK YOU THOUGHT WRONG. nope i'm only back through isolation :) plus hey why not tease you guys it's fun :)

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