maybe i like her

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⚠️  abuse kinda i'm not sure ⚠️

billies pov:

just as i was about to check on y/n, she emerged from the toilet still looking down. she looked so broken. i walked over to her and hugged her; she just needs love. i picked up y/n as she looked very tired and placed her on my bunk. they aren't comfy but they are more comfortable than the buses sofas. she looked up at me as if she wanted to speak but she didn't. she just stayed silent. "what's up mamas?" i ask her "da- billie could you stay?" she asked me quietly. she almost said daddy, i think it's just a habit. i need to find a way to get her over this speaking when spoken to bullshit. i can't not speak my mind how does this girl barely speak. "sure angel," i whispered as i hopped onto the bunk with her. she cuddled up to my chest fuck she is so cute.

see the thing is no one knows i'm bi. well i mean my family knows and my management but me and my management decided i probably shouldn't make it a public thing since i only figured it out like 2 months ago and if i suddenly go back to being straight the media won't belive me. it was quite funny the way i came out to my parents though. see finneas found out first because i was in my room crying, i didn't understand what was going on, not like i didn't understand what gay was, it was more why, what's caused it, what if no one accepts me you know. i was scared. i knew my family would support me no matter what but i was worried my fans and my management wouldn't. like what if my label dropped me (although they'd be the idiots loosing money not me) and what if my fans didn't support me. i mean if they are homophobic i don't want them following me anyways but i'm scandal free in my career so far and i want it to stay that way. so anyways finneas cheered me up and we decided i should probably tell my mum and dad. we had this massive plan we were gonna do the next day but i decided against it without even telling finn. i just jumped off my bed ran into our living room and screamed "IM BI" and ran out again and hid for like 5 minutes. i could hear everyone else laughing at the way i decided to do it which them laughing obviously means it's okay. we ended up telling my management the next day in an emergency meeting. the meeting was actually for this tour but i decided i was just gonna slip it into a convosation. it was "so billie are we gonna change they lights from green to rainbow for "wish you were gay" during june as its pride month" brandon my manager said. "what just because i'm bi, nah i'd rather keep it green" and everyone in the room just stared at me and laughed.

i was pulled back to reality when i heard a peaceful breath come from y/n. this angel was asleep and looked so cute. i reaches for my phone and took some pictures of her and set it as my home screen. i was my own lock screen because i love myself, plus if fans saw her as my lock screen they would start asking questions and i'm not ready for that. i just decided on staying in this bunk with y/n as she had wrapped her legs tightly around one of mine and was clinging on my my right arm for life. i think i like like y/n but i've barely know her so i'm gonna see if these feelings die or if they stay. i decided to clear my mind by going on my instagram and liking a few of my fans posts but when i go to my tagged theres four videos i keep being retagged in. one is a video of y/n'a father breaking into the venue screaming. the second one is of my security escorting me and y/n of to the bus whilst i cling onto her. everyone's asking who she is. the third video breaks my heart as it's the video of y/n's dad beating her against the venue and the last one is the police showing up tazing them and me scooping her up and screaming for everyone to leave her alone. everyone's trying to find who she is, why i care. i decided i would go live and address it there.

"hey guys," i started quietly trying not to wake up y/n. "guys chill out i'm fine don't worry about me, i know you all have the same questions so i'm gonna quickly address them," i stated looking down at y/n. a comment caught my attention "was who's that holding your arm and who's hair is that? oh this" i pointed the camera at the sleeping y/n "this is y/n, she's going through a lot right now and. i decided to look after her till she gets better," i smile happy with my choices. "okay so the main five questions i keep getting are: who is she, why'd you save her, why do you care, who was that man and are we dating" y/n shuffled in her sleep so i stopped talking and smiled as i watched her get comfy still clinging onto my arm. "who is she? well as i told you she is y/n, she doesn't have a phone so you can't add her on anything"  i stopped as finneas poked his head round the curtain "after you anwser those 5 questions i need to talk to you, we found one of the massive blōhsh plushies that can made you and we can swap you out so y/n isn't alone" he spoke softly and as if he was sort of on edge. "okay give me ten minutes and bring the blōhsh in here i wanna hold it" i smiled. he disappeared off and soon returned with my green blōhsh teddy. i turned my attention back to my live wanting to hurry up and end it although i knew i had to anwser these questions. "okay so next question was, uhhhhh oh yeah why'd i save her? because there is no way am i gonna watch one of my babies be in pain when i can do something about it. i know a lot of you might be dealing with similar issues and i'm so so sorry i can't be there to help you but just know i love you and you can always find someone to contact like childline or police. y/n here as i said didn't have a phone and has never been taught to read and write because her dad didn't want anybody knowing about what he did to her," i sigh and i look back and this perfect angel sleeping next to me. "i'm going to have to be quick as finn needs to talk to me but i will anwser all of the questions, so the next one is why do i care? well that's obvious i love all of my fans and i hate the fact that lots of you are hurting and i can't dm you all and i can't come and save you and hug you although i can tell you that you will be okay and i love you all so so much and please never ever comment suicide. there is other ways to deal with it. suicide just passes the pain into someone else. you guys can call 1-800 273-8255  ( a/n that is the real suicide hotline for america please call it if you ever feel like it's your only option because it isn't and you have so much to live for) if you ever get that low. okay second to last question is who was that man? sadly that was y/n's "father" i don't see how anyone could hurt their own child to this extent and worse but he thought he could get away with it but he's in police custody at the moment so y/n is safe with me" i smiled and look at her still sleeping. "okay last question as i really have to go finn is getting impatient, it is are we dating? no guys i'm straight and i've only just met her. two reason why we aren't dating plus the whole time i've been with her she's either been sleeping or silent so i don't know much about her" i sigh as i really don't know anything about this girl i'm starting to really like. "anyways guys i love you all so much don't forget to ask for help if you need it. it doesn't make you weak i love you all goodnight" i blew a kiss and ended the live. i quickly typed onto my story "also babies can you stop posting them videos it's very distressing for me i love you all". i then wiggled out of y/n's grip and quickly slipped my blōhsh into my place and went into the living room area of the bus.

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