Larry Stylinson Say what?

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So I know this is a little late but I had it all written on paper but as I was typing I made some major editing changes....  Actually this is one of my favorite chapters. When I first got the idea to do a story about twins that didn’t ate each other, before I even had character names or anything, this was my scene that popped it into my head! Please comment/vote/fan! I really want to know what you think of this specific chappie!


Emma POV

“It’s time to get up this morning.

You’ve slept almost until two. So,

GET YOUR LAZY BUMS UP!’ I awoke singing and jumping on my bed. I groaned and rolled over, only to hit something hard. What was hard in my bed? I really didn’t care enough to check though. My head was pounding and I felt sick. I really shouldn’t drink so much. 

“Styles! Horan! Get your arses out of my room before I smack you silly!” A husky morning voice said. Who was I lying with then Who’s room was I in? Then it all came flooding back, well at least part of it. I deduced from what I remembered that I was in Louis’s bed, with him. I groggily opened my eyes and saw that  I was right. 

“Morning. What is wrong with those two? I vaguely remember them drinking about the same amount if not more than us.” Lou sat up slowly and I did the same. 

“Niall is Irish so he doesn’t get hangovers and Harry gets minor ones but after about an hour and a shower it’s gone. They like to bloody annoy Zayn and I because Liam doesn’t drink.” He groaned. I agreed, this hangover was a bitch. He stepped out of bed and that’s when I noticed he was only wearing a pair of sweat pants slung low on his hips. What was I wearing?! Ignoring my pounding head I threw off the blanket and looked down. I was wearing gym shorts and a Jack Wills T-shirt. When did I put this on? Seeing my expressionLouis chuckled. 

“Don’t worry. Those are mine. You put them on after about your fourth beer and a few shots. 

“Oh.” I guess that made sense. 

“Yeah. So I guess that we should go down unless we want another wake up call.”

“Okay, Please tell me you have asprin though.” He laughed. 

“Of course. We love our parties so it’s in abundance.” I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen. Hannah and Liam were laughing and cooking. I guess the got along last night. Liv was seated at the kitchen table head down with what almost looked like coffee in her hands. She She glanced up when we walked in.

“Morning. You look fantabulous.” She said. I noticed she was wearing the same sort of attire as I was. 

“Back at ‘cha.”  She smiled. 

“Here Em, Louis, My specialty hangover breakfast.” Hannah handed me her special pancakes with two asprin. 

“And my special morning after concoction.” Liam handed me what looked like bubbling coffee. I looked at it warily and then o Louis. He had already drank half of it. Liv laughed seeing my face. 

“Don’t worry Em. It’s coffee, water and coke. Really works too.” She said from next to me. Just then Harry and Niall ran in. Niall walked straight to the food while Harry skipped over to Louis. 

“GOOD MORNING LOUIS!!” e screamed into Louis ear. Louis visibly flinched and turned to Harry with a deadly scowl. 

“Harry. Get the bullocks away from me. It has not taken affect ye.” He growled looking legitimately pissed. Harry realized that Lou wasn’t joking and started immediately backtracking. 

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