Chapter Twenty-four

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Budo's POV (the next day)
Me and Taro are sitting in our home room I'm dozing off when I hear something hit my desk it's Umeji
"Oh hey Umeji ya need something?"-me
"I needed to ask you a question muscle head"-Umeji
"Oh okay what did ya need to ask?"-me
He looked around for a second
"Meet me behind the school when school is over"-Umeji
"Oh okay"-me
He walks out and in three minutes the class began
Lunch Time
Taro's POV
Budo had to be with his club today so I'm eating lunch with Osana
"Osana you have to help me! It feels like Budo's the one just carrying me through life right now!"-me
"That's cause he is"-Osana
I groan what do I do?
"Well you could start going to the gym ya know sense you're a skinny twig"- Osana
"You don't have to be so mean about it T^T"-me
But that's actually a good idea then I'll be able to defend Budo!
"Can you go with me after school?"-me
"To the GYM? sure!"-Osana
Heh I'm gonna try hard and catch up to you Budo!
(After school)
Budo's POV
I hurry to the back of the school so I can still walk home with Taro
"Hey Umeji!"-me
"Oh you're finally here"-Umeji
"Yep so what did you need to tell me?"-Me
I lean back on the schools wall
"You're homosexual right Budo?"-Umeji
How did he find out?! I don't respond I guess that was a stupid choice...
Umeji's POV
Budo doesn't answer I guess that's a yes I lean in and kiss his lips he quickly pushes me away
"What the hell Umeji?!"-Budo
I've never heard him yell....
"I'm sorry Umeji but if that's how you feel I can't be with you"-Budo
When he said that I felt a strange feeling in my hurts...why?
"I....I like Taro...I'm sorry Umeji"-Budo
Those words pissed me off
"Does he truly love you back?"-me
He stayed quiet for a second
"Of course"-Budo
There's nothing I can really do then huh...
"Sorry Budo, forget this happened..."-me
"....wanna walk home with me and Taro then?.."-Budo
I nod and we walk to the school gates
Budo's POV
I see Taro and Osana when we get to the gates and start to run up to them
"Hey Taro! Wanna walk home together?"-me
"Oh sorry Budo I have to go um somewhere! I'll see ya when I get back!"-Taro
I don't think much about it...then he grabbed Osana's hand and started to run with her...
"That sure looked like he loved you"-Umeji
"That must have to do something! They are childhood friends"-me
"Friends huh sure"-Umeji
Taro wouldn't lie to me where best friends!
"Let's get going"-Umeji
I nod we walk to Taro's house (yeah he's still staying there)....He loves me....right?
Info-Chan's POV
Wow I didn't even need to do anything! Heh Taro hurt him himself! Well I guess I can hurry this job up in the school festival it is only three days away~
"Ma'am I have figured out what the martial arts club is doing for the festival"-???
"So what is it?"-me
"It's a —————"

Hello reader-Chan/Kun! I know it's been awhile sorry for the wait but here's the new chapter! What do you all think the booth is? I'll wait to read the comments!<3 thanks for waiting for the new chapter and reading you all <3
                                  ~reader-Chan <3

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