Once all bags were in the car and jen had double and triple checked they had everything for the babies they headed to the airport, jen quickly booking their private jet,luckily getting one seeing as it was so last minute.
As they arrived at the airport jen took a moment just to process that they were going to be on a plane for a long time with young kids and away from home for who knows how long. She could feel herself panicking as justin stuck his head back into the car to ask if she was actually coming or not.
"we haven't thought this through jus"
"baby it's fine, you've flown loads of times and everyone is friendly at the apartment, come on don't worry"
Jen shakily took deep breaths, composing herself, before getting out and taking summer out of her seat and moving her to the stroller then moving Alina next to her.
The paps weren't as bad as she'd thought, seeing as they hadn't had time to plan around them, but she could still feel them watching her and the kids from across the car park and only then realised that she was in her scruffiest joggers.
She picked Jack up who'd been stood holding his daddy's hand and balanced him on her hip and pushed the stoller whilst justin put all the luggage on a cart and pushed that.

They got through security fairly quickly with only one tantrum from jack and no fans which was a strange relief, before quickly heading across the tarmac and onto their plane. Jen took the twins on with Jackson climbing the stairs behind her as justin folded up the stroller and carried it up the stairs, jens bag perched on his shoulder which she definitely took the time to tease him over.
Once seated and all kids were buckled in jen sat next to Justin, her knee jigging as she sipped a strong gin to try and calm her nerves, intensely squeezing justins hand as she felt the plane begin to build speed.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on listening to the twins babble to each other in their own language as she felt the plane leave solid earth and take to the sky.

Once they'd been flying for 20 minutes she unbuckled herself and headed to the bathroom where she threw up from nerves.
"I've never done that before" she said as she shakily walked back to her recliner seat with justin
"done what?"
"thrown up from anxiety"
"oh, I'm sure it can be normal, it's just because you weren't fully prepared to leave so quickly" he assured her as he kissed her cheek before getting up to switch a movie on for Jack and make sure the twins had enough toys on the sofa they'd been moved to.

Jen reclined the seat, closed her eyes and drifted off, smiling at the sound of Jacksons giggles and the feeling of justin lightly stroking her hair.
She woke up with a start 2 hours into the flight to summer screaming her head off.
"what's wrong with her?" jen asked leaning over the arm rest, squinting through the slightly dark cabin.
"I think she's just hungry" said justin as he held summer close, bouncing her to no effect.
"pass her here then" jen sighed, realising the one thing they forgot was the babies milk.
Jen continued laying there, her eyes shut as she fed summer.
Once summer was full, jen covered herself back up but stayed lying there with summer cuddled up, her head on jens shoulder and one leg over jens stomach as jen wrapped her arm protectively around her and let it rest on her back.
They both fell asleep and slept for an hour before jen woke up, confused as to where she was for a moment before realising they were going to new york.
She carefully sat up, making sure summer didn't awaken before moving her onto the sofa where Alina was also asleep and covered them both in the blanket.
Jen properly stretched and realised that the only other person awake was justin so she carefully climbed onto where he was lying, fully reclined. She wrapped her legs over justin just like summer had with her and placed her head on his chest, looking up at him as he turned his phone off and looked back down into her blue eyes.
"I don't like fighting" she said
"no one does" he replied, playing with her hair.
Justin tilted his head down and jen lifted hers up to meet his lips. They moved slowly yet passionately, their tongues intertwined.
Jen shuffled up slightly as she began to press more into him as the kiss became faster before breaking away, giving a few pecks to his cheek and neck before resting her head back on his chest.

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