1. In The Beggining

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Ps. Obviously none of this is real, just my imagination and I don't mean to offend anyone with what happens in future chapters 💕


"I can't get him out my head court"
"Maybe it's a sign" she replies winking.
Jen was over at courteneys. She had gone over after sitting in her living room just thinking over the events that had occurred earlier that morning. They're sat at the kitchen island, cups of coffee in hand.
"It's not like you guys hung out. You said hi and walked away" says courteney in exasperation.
"I knowww but it was like seeing an old friend again, I felt safe near him. And not to mention his looks... oh god court what's happening to me?" jen wails putting her head in her hands.
"Look jen it's fine it's just weird because you probably haven't felt this way since Brad."
"There was Vince and John."
"Oh come on we both know you didn't feel the same way with them that you did with Brad and anyway John treated you like shit so I don't know why you're bringing him up"
"Oh god I know" whined jen faceplanting her forehead with her palm.
"Hey it'll be fine" reassured court, taking another sip from her mug.
Jen looks at the clock and jumps up "oh god I've gotta go, the dogs still need feeding"
"Ok, just remember jen if you don't talk to him the feelings are only going to get stronger."
"I know" says jen as they walk to the door. "bye sweetie" she mutters, still distracted thinking of this man, she pecks courteneys cheek.
"Bye coco!" Shouts jen and hears a muffled reply from coco on the couch, distracted by the TV.

Jen gets back in her car and pulls away from the house.
All the way home she's distracted. Thinking about what to do.
Should she call him? Text him? Go to his house? No.
She doesn't want to seem too desperate. She decides she'll text him and see if he wants to hang out sometime.

But when she arrives home there's an unfamiliar bike parked in the driveway. Confused, she gets her bag and walks to the house, locking the car behind her. She sees a man standing at her door. He looks kind of familiar but she can't see his face.
Then she notices the leather he's wearing and she feels her heart begin to speed up.
"Oh God what's he doing here?!" She whispers to herself, walking up to the front door where he's stood.
"Justin?" She asks....

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