60. the finale

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jen creeps through the bedroom, picking up her underwear and jeans off the floor.
she can't help but smile to herself as she realises how much it must look like she's sneaking out after a one night stand.
after getting ready she finishes packing the last of her things into her bag to head back to set.
she's running slightly late, knowing her plane leaves in two hours she tries to quickly pull her boots up without sitting down.
"shit" she mutters as she loses balance, falling onto the bed.
"jen?" justin's messy hair emerges from the duvet as he looks over at her.
"sorry... go back to sleep" she whispers before standing up.
"are you leaving now?" he asks, pulling himself to sit up in the bed, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand.
"yeah, i'm actually kinda late" she smiles before swiftly leaving the room.
justin is left to quickly pull his boxers on and run down the stairs after her.
"do you want any breakfast? or i could go out and get us something i-"
"justin" jen laughs breathily, cutting him off "like i said i'm gonna miss my plane if i don't step on it. i'm sorry, i don't have time"
justin can't help but feel slightly hurt that after last night she's just rushing out like this, she won't even look at him.
"what so this is it? we don't talk about last night or- or us or-" he follows her down the hallway and up to the front door.
"jus" jen turns to look at him as she holds the front door open with her foot, pulling her travel bag onto her shoulder.
"you are all i want...ok? that's not going to change. i love you and last night was amazing, believe me" she giggles as he grins, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"you and those kids are my whole world. and i..." jen rolls her eyes as she feels them start to brim with tears "i just want things to go back to the way they were"
justin moves to wrap his arms around her, gently placing his lips to her temple.
"ok i need to run, goodbye" she pulls away, placing a sweet kiss on his lips before walking down the gravel driveway to her car.
"jen wait!" she hears justin shout behind her.
she turns to see him walking slowly towards her.
"will you marry me?...again?"
jens jaw drops and her bag falls off her shoulder as she watched justin, in nothing but his boxers, slowly bend down onto one knee.
she can't help but wonder wether she's trapped in some 90s romcom right now. is this real?
she walks slowly towards him.
"we never fully got a divorce though, it never went to court" she says as she reaches him, looking down into his hazel eyes.
"i know...but this can be our chance at going back to how it used to be. we can get our vows renewed"
jen stares at him for what feels like hours, running through every single thought in her mind.
she closes her eyes tightly, nodding as a tear runs down her cheek.
her eyes are still closed as she hears justin yell in triumph and jump up, lifting her into the air.
she laughs, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as they kiss passionately.

present day
"the end" jen smiled as she looked at justin over the console of the car, her hand placed over his.
"and you both fell madly in love again and lived happily ever after" alina smiled from the back seat.
summer mocked with gagging motions at everyone's soppy romantic antics.
"that was like 13 years ago, how have i managed to hear this same story about a million times?" jack rolled his eyes, pulling his headphones on.
"wha- you've heard it before?!?! why did you never tell me the story before?" alina asked indignantly looking from her mom to her dad.
"well... i don't know really" justin laughed, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
"you guys are so gross" summer complained as she looked out of the window.
"you just find it gross because you'll never find someone who'll love you like mom and dad love each other" alina mocked, trying not to laugh as summer started trying to lean over her brother to punch her twin sister.

jen and justin smiled at each other "ahhh, we've been parents for almost 18 years now and there's still never a dull moment" justin winks as jen giggles, placing her feet up on the dashboad.
she leans her head back and sighs as they pass the sign welcoming them to sacramento... home sweet home.

anddd this story is officially complete. i know this was a relatively short chapter and it may seem a little blunt but i've been itching to finish this for some time now. it's been a very long journey and this book has been a whole 60 chapters which is insane to me. thankyou for the love on all my writing :)) ❤️


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