She wears a flowing, light blue maxi dress with an open back, because the weather had been really nice lately, and her hair in loose curls. She did her makeup with powder,a light pink smokey eye look and lip gloss.
For part of Justin's birthday present she'd bought him a Louis vuitton tux to wear tonight and then another present which she was going to give to him once they were ready.

Justin looked everywhere but couldn't find jen. He walked into the bedroom to find a new sleek Louis Vuitton tux hung up on the wardrobe door. There was a sticky note to it that said "wear me." He looks around confused before getting into the tux which has been tailored somehow. He stands looking at himself in the mirror, fixing his tie when he feels jen wrap her arms around him.
"You like it?" She asks, smartening out the shoulders.
"Is this my present?" He asks happily turning around to face her.
"Not all of it. Why don't you wear that sexy cologne I got you?"
"I thought Jackson got me it?"
"Oh come on, who are we kidding? He's not even one" she laughs standing on her tip toes to kiss him.
Once they're both ready and have taken a photo for Justin's Instagram jen takes his hand and leads him towards the garage.
"Who's car are we taking?"
Jen doesn't respond. They walk into the garage and Justins jaw drops.
Sat where Justins car normally is, next to the black range rover is the shiniest, new black Mercedes c-class.
"Happy 35th baby" says jen a huge smile on her face. He turns to her.
"You got me a car?!"
Jen hands him the key giving him a passionate kiss.
"Baby!" He shouts lifting her up and spinning her as she squeals.
He runs towards the drivers seat like a little kid on Christmas, unlocks it and gets in. He turns the key and immediately feels the power as he revs it, making jen cover her ears.
He steps out and walks up to her "thank you. I love you so much" he gives her a passionate kiss, "But...I wanted to...drink tonight" he says inbetween kisses.
"It doesn't matter. We'll drive it tomorrow, we have the whole day to ourselves court said. Although I think she only said that so she can hear more dirt" jen says laughing
"Well she's gonna get some dirt eitherway" says justin giving jens bum a squeeze as he takes his phone out to call their driver.

They arrive at craigs, the Malibu restaurant, a little later than reservations and get sat down quickly. Justin orders them both one of the strongest cocktails they have and they sip them as they look through the menu.
"Its nice to not have to worry about Jackson huh?" Says jen, shutting the menu.
"I know. I miss him though and he's only down the road."
"yeah...hey I was meant to talk to you about that. Erm we're not getting any younger and we err... both want a big family and I was wondering if you'd considered maybe having another baby, now I know Jackson wasn't planned and I wasn't so happy about it at first but now i wouldn't change anything for the"
She looks at justin hopefully, biting her lip. She'd been thinking about this for a while now but was too nervous to ask.
Justin sits there, shocked. It's not what he'd expected.
"You know what forget I said anything" said jen realising that justin wasn't all for the idea of more kids.
"No no it's just I wasn't expecting it, I'll think about it i promise" he said leaning over and pushing her hair out of her face. Jen just brushes it off as they order.
They sit in the corner of the restaurant talking about all their memories and things they'd like to do, places they'd like to visit.
The food arrives, both of them had a steak, and more strong cocktails. slightly drunk they call jens security to pick them up and they pay the bill.
The paps are crazy as they walk towards the car. In the back justin kisses jens neck, slowly playing with her hair.
"Hey hey hey not in my car you don't" her security driver says.
Jen laughs and pulls Justin's head away, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

They unlock the door, stumbling into the living room where jen kicks off her shoes and laughs as justin chases her up the stairs.
They get into the room and justin practically rugby tackles jen against the wall as he takes his tie off.
"jen" says justin stopping
"Yes" she replied breathing heavily.
"I want more kids. I want loads. In fact I want a whole army" he laughs
"But you're drunk, you probably won't remember this tomorrow" she slurs.
"No, your drunk, I have a much higher tolerance than you"
"Are you sure you want this?"
"Let's give Jackson a sibbling"
Jen smiles as she goes back to kissing justin, her hand running through his hair.
Justin picks her up and carries her over to the bed where he literally tore her dress off and continues to kiss her.

"I love you so much" pants jen once they were done, curling up to him and placing her head on his chest, feeling his heart beating.
"I love you to" he says wrapping his arms around her, kissing her head.
They fall asleep like that and sleep until late the next morning.

Jen woke up with a throbbing headache, the sun shining through a crack in the blinds. She leans her hand out, expecting to touch justin but instead hits the pillows.
As she looks around she sees justin walking in with just his boxers on carrying a tray with two hot lattes and aspirin for both of them along with some chopped apple.
"I thought you might want this" he said putting the tray inbetween them and climbing back into bed.
"What are you doing that for?" He asks as jen pulls the covers up to cover her body.
"I'm naked justin"
"So? I've seen it all before and it's not like we've got jackson" he laughs.
Jen just rolls her eyes as she takes her aspirin and slowly sips her coffee.

They spend the rest of the day cuddled in bed, after jen put on one of Justin's huge t shirts, sleeping off their hangover.
Courteney dropped Jackson off at 5.
"Hey hey hey, I love him and all but he can't stay another night" she laughs as she sees jen in just a t shirt and underwear.
Justin sits in the living room with a robe covering himself, he never understood how jen was so comfortable with her girlfriends.
Jen laughs, beckoning court in, taking Jackson out her arms and giving him a big cuddle and kiss.
"How was he?" Asked jen laying Jackson down on Justin's stomach.
"He was great, cried a little but not as bad as I thought"
Court then made jen jump by grabbing her hand and pulling her into the kitchen, pulling jen up on her promise to tell her everything that happened last night.
After she left all three of them ate dinner and went upstairs where they cuddled in bed before Jackson fell asleep. Jen had already fallen asleep and justin was too tired from last night to get up so he let Jackson sleep in their bed.

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