Finding Out

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"So, out of curiosity... of the two of you, who is stronger?"

Seraphina stared at the older man before giggling a little bit. "That's a good one."


"What do you mean 'that's a good one'? John told me you were a god-tier. I assume his ability level is higher than yours?" William asked, confused at Seraphina's reaction.

"Wait what? John's a cripple... right?" Seraphina was becoming increasingly confused herself.

Taken aback, William exclaimed, "A cripple? He's a god-tier, just like you! Has he been hiding his powers from you?"

Seraphina was stunned. He's not a cripple? Why did he tell me he was a cripple? Why didn't he use his ability? What even is his ability? What else has he lied to me about?

Before the two of them can say anything else, John walked in through the door. "Hey Sera, I'm back... Wait, what the f-?"

"John! Welcome home!" William said, a hint of irritation in his voice. John looked past William only to see Seraphina give him the mother-of-all death glares. What did Dad tell her? Why is she glaring at me?

"Dad! What are you doing here?"

"What, I can't visit my own son?"

"You could've at least told me ahead of time!"

"Huh? How? You hung up on me last week, and ignored all my calls afterwards."

As the two bickered, Seraphina continued to think over the whole situation. John, her best friend of nearly two years, lied about his ability. He was a god-tier, not a cripple. She needed to know the truth.


"Yeah?" John said, turning towards her.

"When were you going to tell me you were a god-tier?"

John paled and his eyes widened in horror. He quickly looked back at William, who put his hands up. "How was I supposed to know that you were lying about your ability? As a matter of fact, why are you hiding your ability?"

John mentally cursed at himself. He turned back to Seraphina, who raised an eyebrow at him.

"I... I didn't want anyone, especially you, to know about my ability." John muttered, unable to keep eye contact with Seraphina.

"And why is that? Do you not trust me? Was our friendship built on a lie?" Seraphina pressed.

John looked at her with a panicked "NO! It's not that, I promise! It's just..." He turned to his father, who was watching him and Seraphina.

"Hey Dad, I need your help in explaining this with me. I..." John sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "I can't explain everything about my past alone."


"...And that's why I am pretending to be a cripple." John finished. He was unable to look anyone in the eye, and he feared Seraphina's reaction. "I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore..." He tried to keep himself from breaking down in front of Seraphina and his father. She's going to leave me, and I'll be alone again...

William looked over at Seraphina, who was crying. He knew the girl was taking this hard. Before he could pat her on the back or get up and reassure John, she jumped up from the couch and tackle-hugged John. John tensed for a moment in surprise, before returning the hug.

"I never knew how rough your past was, no wonder you didn't want to tell me," She tearfully said, tightening her arms around John. "But John, I won't leave you. You're my best friend, I just wish you've told me this sooner."

John sighed. "I didn't want you to know about this side of me, the fact that I've done so many horrible things..."

"John, what you did was wrong, but who would expect you to be of sound mind, especially when you went through so much bullying and harassment for being a late-bloomer?" Seraphina pulled back, looking John straight in the eyes. "Also, what Keon did to you was terrible. You needed to understand your actions, but you didn't need to be mentally tortured. You shouldn't be afraid of yourself or your power."

William watched as Seraphina reassured John, smiling as relief washed over John's face. She is such a great friend to John. I hope she can teach him to forgive himself.

"From now on, no more secrets. You tell me everything." Seraphina demanded.

John smiled brightly, feeling as though a large weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. "No more secrets."


As William slept, Seraphina asked John questions about his ability. She was surprised when she learned he could manipulate his own aura in order to copy and amplify abilities. She was especially amused to learn that he was already more powerful than Arlo was two years ago.

"You were already at a 7.0 ability level as a freshman?" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, once my ability developed I jumped up to god-tier really quickly," John replied.

"So you were already more powerful than Arlo is now? I would love to see you beat his ass." Seraphina giggled, imagining Arlo's face when John dethroned him.

John chuckled, then shrugged. "Well, I don't plan on becoming King anytime soon, since... you know."

"I know, but it would still be hilarious to see you beat up Arlo."

William woke up to see Seraphina and John talking and joking around with each other. He smiled, happy that John was able to confide in Seraphina. Although he knew her and John were just friends, he was already wondering what abilities their children would have. She would make a great daughter-in-law, he thought.

"You kids are still up?" William said, drawing the attention of the two god-tiers. "How about we play some cards? Do you have your Poker set, John?"

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