Basic Info

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Name: Yu

Nickname: Shizuha

Age: 18

Nationality: Chinese

Appearance: short black hair, red eyes and pale skin, just a bit shorter than Liang. wears black jacket, red top and shorts with silver Chinese designs and a red spinel brooch given to her by her mother, black fingerless gloves reaching halfway up her arm, long black boots, and a crow feather cloak with a hood 

Birthday: August 8

inmate number: 08

Tattoos: red flame design on her stomach, inmate number on her arm just above where her gloves end

Personality: practical, energetic, ambitious, generous, very competitive, introverted and quiet around strangers, gets depressed really easily

Likes: family, learning, discovering other people's zodiac signs and what they mean

Dislikes: silence, being ignored, criticism, disloyalty, weirdos

Powers: fire doesn't burn her, it makes her stronger. Once she finds 11 other people with the other 11 zodiac signs and puts a bit of their blood on her brooch, she becomes more confident in herself and is able to lead them. If she touches the brooch while saying the zodiac sign of a person, she is able to speak to that person through telepathy. When she calls out "ZODIACS! ASSEMBLE!" they appear by her side and she upgrades their unique powers. As long as she doesn't despair and lose focus on her goal, that power will remain. If it does happen though, the power will go away. She is unable to call on the same people after that and has to find a new group of zodiacs that she trusts.

Skills: good with any sharp object, even a pencil, talking to animals, super agility, can control where fire goes, but can't will it into being like Musashi, some assassination skills taught to her by an old friend

Weapons: a knife hidden in the buckle of her belt made out of a lion's tooth given to her by her father, the shafts of the feathers on her cloak are hollow and contains small amounts of poison and venom in them

I have no idea how this story will go. I stumbled across the picture that I used as the cover and thought that she looks like she could be Liang's sister, so I decided to turn that idea into a story. If you guys have any ideas about the story, please comment them. I would be glad to use them since I usually can some up with good ideas for stories, but never end up finishing them because there aren't that many ideas coming into this stupid little brain of mine. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Nanbaka fanfic: Liang's sister?!Where stories live. Discover now