idk what to call this

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seb smiled as he looked down at the boy asleep in his lap. he ran his fingers through carlos's hand slowly before he looked at do you ship it: #HSMTMTS edition


the time was 7:00pm. his english essay was due at 9:30pm and he hadn't even started it. he reached over for his laptop and then remembered that carlos was asleep in his lap.

seb put his laptop down and looked back at carlos  sleeping peacefully and considered his options.

1 )     wake up carlos, get into a different cuddling position, and the write. but he couldn't. because then carlos would wake up, and look how cute he is asleep.

2 )      literally put his laptop on carlos's head to write. that could work. but what if carlos wakes up? or gets hurt somehow?

3 )      let carlos sleep and get a zero. so far that seemed to be the best option except for the fact that he was terrified of bad grades.

none of his options worked at all. until as if it was fate, carlos opened his eyes and stretched out his arms. he turned his head up to look at seb.

"oh? well hello there, sweetheart," carlos had a huge smile on his face as he sat up and quickly kissed sebs cheek. "not going to lie i completely forgot that i was at your house, so waking up on your lap was a very, very nice surprise."

seb laughed softly and kissed carlos's shoulder. "i'm kind of glad that you're awake. i have an english paper due in two hours and i haven't even started and i needed to use my laptop but you were kind of occupying my lap and i didn't want to wake you because you're cute when you sleep.."

carlos smiles softly and bit his lip. "seb, baby. you're the cutest ever let's get married."

"okay! let's do it!!" seb smiled and kissed carlos's forehead quickly. "kinda mad you woke up. now i have to stop playing with your hair and actually do my english homework."

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