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Mia and James brake up. She tough she couldn't fall in love again. Mia best friends are Juliet, Jen, and Rodolfo. Jack is her niece. She stays at Mia house at times. Mia had help by her best friends to move on with her life after the brake up. A new kid comes along and changes that. They begin to go out. They both go far. She became famous by her cousin. Zayn becomes famous by The X Factor. Will they still be together when they both are famous or will they just give up on their relationship and find someone just like them. Mia hides something big from Zayn. Will he ever forgive her. Or will he just pretend it never happen. Will fame take over there lives or will they stay together. James tries to hard to brake them up. He lost his bestfriend becuase he fell in love with his ex-girlfriend. James will do anything just to see Mia sad. Mia got famous by the help of her cousin. Well Zayn got famous by The X Factor. 

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