Chapter 18: The Truth

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I felt someone kissed my temple and caress my cheek.

Then I heard a familiar sound, it's an instrumental music.

I felt Lisa shifted beside me and the music stopped.

A few seconds of silence before I heard her talk.

"Okay. I'll be there in 10." She said. I guess her father or Jisoo unnie called her.

"I love you Jennie. I'll come back my love. Please wait for me." She whispered and kissed my forehead.

She carefully retreated her arm behind my head and put a pillow on it. She kissed my lips and I heard footsteps but it stopped.

"Goodbye Jennie." She said with a sad tone then I heard the door's opening and shutting.

I opened my eyes and I quickly stood up and ran outside to say a proper goodbye. But I saw her standing on the front door. She's talking with someone while putting her shoes on.

"I'm leaving. I'll be gone for a year. I can't be with Jennie. Tell Jong Suk I can't continue the plan." She seriously said. Her back is facing me that she doesn't know that I'm just near.

What plan are they talking about?

"Tell him that my cousin is more important than this stupid plan. Her sister loves me now, that's what he wants right? That's our agreement, to make her fall in love with me.  And then she feels that way, I can now go."

I froze. I was surprised to what I'm hearing at the moment. It was just a stupid plan? To make me fall in love with her? I felt something in me broke that made my heart ache.

"Aish! He would be happy, we got rid of Taehyung. They broke up already.  We ruined them, alright? I'm done with my part. So let me go now? I can't stay here. My cousin needs me."

That made my heart shattered into pieces. They made fun of me. They let me fall into a stupid plan of theirs. I don't know who's on the phone with her but all I know she and my brother are all behind of this.

"Jennie?!" She looked at me shocked and her face was pale.

She tried to step forward.

"Stop over there!" I shouted then I back away.

"Don't come near me!" My hands trembled as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Jennie, I can explain." She said with a worried look.

"You don't need to. I heard everything! I know you just played with my feelings. It's funny that I fell for you. So that's why my brother let you stay here, now I get it. Why didn't I knew earlier? You're the best friend of my brother who hates Taehyung ever since. You didn't know how broke he was the time I ended our relationship. Your stupid plan hurts two innocent people. What did we do to you two?! Oh, maybe you're just bored and saw our relationship as a good game to ruin. Am I right? Knowing my brother, he likes playing weird games. And it was one of them." I nodded with continues tears flowing down.

I hate you, I love you (JENLISA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now