The begining of it All

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He messaged me out the blue one day, every since I've been madly in love with him. I've had a couple of bad experiences with guys before. I had been single for a year now, and been ignoring niggas every since. Now when he first messaged me I started to ignore him, but I'm glad I didn't ❤️

I'm 21, in college and have a pretty good life. Growing up I never wanted for anything, I was blessed to have parents who make sure I'm always straight. I'm your average girl. Cute, silly, medium weight, 5'2. People call me stuck up or a bitch, but find out I'm cool af when they get to know me. I keep god first in everything I do. I ain't always been good but I've never been an "out there" type of girl.

One night me & my best friend Brit was Chillen watching nextflix, I get this message from some random guy, & first thing I do is check his pic. He looking real fine, and I recognize him. I read the message and put my phone back down. I say Britt "I wonder what this niggga want"? She says "ain't no telling" ! So we go back to watching tv. I can't get him out my head for some reason. Eventually I broke down and replied. I found out he is 22 in college also, no kids and goes to a college 20 minutes away from the one I attend. He tells me that he wants a girl that has goals. Not a hoe, keeps herself up, and a few other things, well that describes me.
Him: you seem like a really nice girl, and I want to get to know you better. I want to start off as friends first but eventually I want to start something with you

Me: I feel the same way. We can take it slow and see where it goes.

We ended up talking all night. Let me tell y'all it's been a while since I had a decent convo with a nice guy. We continue texting.

"Bihh what you over there smiling about" Britt says. "Girl nothing"! I say. "So you must've message him back"! Britt asks. Bitch I might!" I say. Britt and I start getting ready to go out to go to eat, and go see Beyond The Lights. She always in my closet trying to wear my shoes. I do have the baddest collection of heels. Me and Britt decides to put on matching outfits. A red and white T shirt dress and some red heels, we do our make up & hair and head out. "Bih you driving or nah"? Britt asks. "Nope" I say. So we end up taking her car. She knows I hate to drive.

We end up going to Olive Garden, my favorite restaurant. We end up ordering so much food. We always order a lot of food and just share it. We ordered like 3 appetizers, 4 different kinds of pasta, and like 4 different drinks. As we are eating two guys come up to us asking can they join and pay for our food. I was like nahh I'm good, I can pay for myself, but thanks. They were fine though, but my mind kept going back to K.j, which reminded me to check my phone. I had a message

Him: wyd beautiful?
Me: out with my best friend. We're having out weekly girls night out lol
Him: ok bae have fun. I'll hit u up tonight 😘.

I notice that Britt was over there talking to one of those guys, the other one kept starting At me, but I continued eating my food. After we finished eating we went to the movies. The movie ended up being really good. We end up having a good time. Of course we had to hit up the mall. We wanted to buy more matching outfits, but my favorite color is pink, and hers is blue. We ended up getting the same dress, just in our favorite colors. "I'm staying with you tonight k?" Britt says. "Duhh" I say. We went back to my aPartment and somehow she showers and falls asleep so I check my phone and saw a message from k.j. We ended up talking all night about everything. I went to sleep happy af.

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