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Hi. My name is Emily.

I'm 17 years old, and I'm pretty average.

I'm average height, around 5'5 or 5'6. And I, like every other teenage girl on the surface of the planet, hate my body. I've never worn a bikini in front of others. And even when I wear a bikini and I'm by myself, I blush from embarrassment. So I never look at my stomach.

I have long brown hair that is full of split ends, and average blue eyes. People say they glow when I get really into something.

I live in Ainsworth, Wisconsin. Population: 564. There's nothing really much to do. So I mostly just sit in my room, reading, singing, or playing guitar. Sometimes, I binge watch different series on Netflix.

But on the weekends, my best friend, Isabella, comes over. Isabella and I have been best friends for years now. She knows every part of my life, and I know every part of hers. We're inseparable, practically sisters. When we're out, every guy looks at her. She's gorgeous. I'm the friend that no one really notices.

But I had no idea that I would meet the boy that would make me feel special for the first time in my life.

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