
I jump from my seat the second I can hear the bell ringing. God this lesson was a mess, I knew everything would go miserably without Mrs. Julian. I pack my things in my bag and Emily briefly grins at me before heading to the teachers desk with her paper. She smiles at Mister Dumbass and seems to be asking him a question.

That's when someone abruptly lays an arm around my waist and pulls me towards the door. I stumble outside and giggle when Samuel pulls me into a hug, "seems like you already love our new teacher huh.".

"Oh shut up, would ya?" I scoff, "can you even believe this guy?". Sam chuckles and I can feel his hands moving over my lower back to caress me. My frown turns into a smile when I see Ian coming out of the classroom as well. "Someone's looking good today." He grins and comes to softly kiss my cheek.

"Fuck you too." I smile.

He tells us a random story from his vacation while Sam is still hugging me from behind as Emily finally exits the class room too. "I really don't know what your problem is. This guy is pretty sweet actually." She grins and hooks her bag over her shoulder while pressing two or three books against her chest. I scoff at her words and shake my head no.

We decide to head out on the schoolyard and sit down in the green grass. Since I didn't have time to make myself some breakfast this morning I pleasingly sneak something from the others who gladly are willingly to share.

I let Sam rest his head in my lap while Emily leans onto Ian's side. We always figured that if it wasn't for Ian being gay these two could have been a pretty good match. I made it my mission to find Emily a boyfriend this year. She's always talking shit like finding true love and affection in a special guy before having anything sexual with a person. She hasn't even fucked anyone yet.

Leaning my head back I smile at the feeling of the sun touching my face fondly. Summer really is the greatest season. That smile fades into a disgusted frown though when I hear that voice again, yelling my name. I squeeze my eyes shut and sigh in annoyance as I turn around.

This Depp teacher is stomping towards us with an unpleasant look on his face that brings somewhat joy to me. His hands are rested on his hips as he stops in front of the four of us and glares down at me with dark eyes. Now that the light is much brighter I can see that his eyes actually are a lot brighter than they looked like inside. They're brown and could almost belong to an innocent newborn puppy dog.

His high cheekbones shadow the hollows inside his cheeks and that jawline of his seems even more distinct. I do can understand all those girls fancying about this guy. But I definitely won't.

"You didn't stay." He says coldly.

"Oh shit, no joke Sherlock." I chuckle and run my hand through my hair as a few strands fell into my eyes, disturbing my vision.

"You may be aware of the fact that I consider this as an invitation for detention, Miss Jones." Mister Depp speaks and his face turns too serious. My jaw hung open. "Forget it. I was ten minutes late. TEN! You can't gimme detention for being ten minutes late." I argue pissed.

He smiles the tiniest bit as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I ain't giving you detention for being late. It'd have only been a talk. Setting against my instructions is giving you the detention, honey. Come to my office tomorrow. After school. And don't you dare to dismiss that one too." He commands and walks away without hearing my response to that.

"This guy's pretty sweet actually." I imitate Emily in a much higher voice, "my ass!". Sighing deeply I lay back in the grass and hide my face beneath my hands. This teacher already gets on nerves as much as no one did since a good while.

I widen my eyes when I suddenly feel something wet on my thigh. I lift my eyes and find Sam burying his head between my legs to kiss my inner thigh. His tongue slides over my sunkissed skin, causing wet and hot spots to glisten in the sunlight. I bite on my lower lip as a smirk spreads across my lips.

You're probably like Ew omg you're friends and the WHOLE school are with you! But I can assure you they've seen worse from us. Besides, his only intention is to distract me anyway. And I believe it worked. As he lifts his head again I sit up myself and press a kiss to his cheek. I giggle at a light red spot of my lipstick and gently wipe it away with my thumb. The rest of our break we just laid in the grass and enjoyed the good weather.

When we're about to go back inside for our next lesson (which luckily isn't one with Mister Dumbass) I abruptly grab Emily's hand to stop her from moving. "Em, that nerd is looking at you again." I whisper even though it's pretty clear that he can't hear us.

Her eyes roam the crowd of students that rushes back inside until her eyes land on the guy I've been talking about. I remember his name was something like Luka. He's got fluffy, nonstyled hair with big, brown eyes and huge glasses on his nose. Maybe it was Lucas. He's had a crush on Emily since forever and it literally starts to get on my nerves how he observes us non stop. I mean what a creep, that's stalking.

Emily only blushes in embarrassment as she takes my hand to drag me along with her, back inside to our next lesson.

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So I just want to make clear that
there's gonna be ppl (even Lizzy)
saying or doing things that I definitely don't support and that
y'all understand this is only a book and those kids are rich af meaning they may be a little selfish and all yk

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it so far.

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