One last thing

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Name: Kim Taehyola but Yola for short
Gender: Born a female but did the operation to become a male
Age: 22
Ex-Gang: Was a member of R&W (Ravens & Wolves)
Old Code Name: Figure that out
Current Code Name: (The) Reaper
Family: I'll let you think about that
Nationality: Unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Romantic Preference: Panromantic
Languages: There's not enough room love
Old Position: Not telling sweetie
Current Position: Information and arms dealer, knows everything.
Weapons: Anything really, but tends to gives a distance from knives even if he is freakishly too good with them
Personality: Here there and everywhere.
Fear: Unknown, but has trauma so that might be linked to his fear...?
Description: Yola is a huge question mark, the only ones who know this much of him is Dragons Blood members (m/n) and Lee. One other person knows his past, even if they don't know themselves. The only thing people truely know about him is current Code name and current position, Dragons Blood know his old gang and age. He knows everything within Seoul and has people inside police, law firms, the justice system, CEO's of important businesses. Name it he knows everything, changes his appearance quite a bit. A.K.A dyeing his hair or changing eye colour, he has natural dark hair and eyes. Scars litter his pale body and his mind, has the R&W tattoo on his chest. If pissed off he won't hesitate to kill you in the most gruesome way possible, if nice he is extremely helpful. This also helps on how much you have to pay, if he really likes you everything is much cheaper then if he hates your guts. Has an I.Q of 220 and never goes to university even though he is sighed up to the one Dragons Blood goes too, he can also tell if your lying. Owns a Blue Burmese kitten named Mughi, who acts a bit like him.

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