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"what's up, sehun?"

sehun sighed in relief upon hearing jongin's voice. he sniffled, and jongin immediately became concerned.

"yah, what's wrong? are you okay? do you need me to come get you?" jongin asked, sounding like a worried boyfri- a worried friend.

how'd he know so quickly?

"sehun?" jongin asked, "answer me."

"i-i hate it here," sehun began to cry all over again, tears streaming down his face.

"i know, baby. do you want me to go pick you up?" jongin asked sehun. sehun wiped his eyes.

"no, don't, my parents will get suspicious," sehun mumbled.

"i'll go pick you up anyways. i'll go in through your bedroom window," jongin said, "i'll walk so that they don't hear my motorcycle. tell me what happened."

"just my mom," sehun said, laying down on his bed properly, "w-we used to be so close, you know."

"mhmm," jongin answered, the sound of his front door closing clear through the phone.

"and now everything's different," sehun sniffled, "now she hates me, hyung."

"she doesn't hate you, sehun," jongin said, "you're still her son, gay or not. nothing can ever change that."

"i wish i wasn't," sehun whispered.

"gay?" jongin asked, "don't ever think that, sehun. there's absolutely nothing wrong with it-"

"i wish i wasn't her son," sehun stated. jongin was silent for a second while thinking about what to say.

"and that's also okay," jongin said, "just because she's your mother doesn't mean that she's entitled to be in your life. it's your life. you're allowed to pick who you want in it. and if someone isn't being supportive, then cut them out. you don't need negativity in your life, you need..."


"no, you need warmth," jongin said, "fuck positivity, i ain't about that spewing happiness out of my ass type of crap."

sehun immediately laughed. jongin snickered just slightly.

"see? you need warmth," jongin said, "i'll... i'll be your warmth, sehun."

"r-really?" sehun asked, once again touched. he knew he made the right decision calling jongin. as much as he hated to admit it, johnny would just shut him down.

"of course. for as long as you'll let me, okay?" jongin asked, "i'm here. open your window."

"okay," sehun agreed, getting up from his bed and walking over to his bedroom window. jongin climbed in, trying his best to be quiet. he managed to get in silently, sehun closing the window behind him.

"are you okay?" jongin whispered to sehun, not wanting his parents to hear. sehun hung up the call, placing his phone on the nightstand. he sniffled, stepping forward and all but tackling jongin in a hug. jongin gave a little sigh, one arm wrapping around sehun's waist and the other free hand rubbing his back up and down.

"you're gonna be okay," jongin whispered to him, "you're gonna be great, sehun. once we graduate, i'll get you out of here, okay?"

"promise?" sehun cried into jongin's chest, sticking his pinky in the air. the elder inwardly cooed, locking his pinky with sehun's.

"i promise," jongin swore, placing a kiss on sehun's head, "i'll get you out of here."

a comfortable silence fell upon the two as jongin laid down with sehun on his bed, cuddling with the younger.

"i don't wanna be here anymore," sehun mumbled, now slightly calmed down about five minutes later.

"right now?" jongin asked, "where do you wanna go?"

"your house," sehun decided, "i like your house."

"my house is empty," jongin sighed, shaking his head, "overwhelmingly silent."

"i'll be there," sehun said, looking up at the elder with red and puffy eyes, "and if i'm there, it won't be empty."

jongin stared at the younger, wondering if he even knew how big of an impact his words had.

"i'll get you out of here on one condition," jongin decided. sehun sniffled, nodding.

"what is it, then?"

"you and i last," jongin stated, "you fill up the emptiness in my life. i need you. so you can't leave me, okay?"

jongin's voice was more vulnerable than sehun had ever heard. sehun nodded, agreeing to the terms.

"deal," sehun spoke, "i won't leave you as long as you don't leave me."

"deal," jongin agreed, "come on, let's get out of here."

jongin got up from the bed, going to sehun's window. he opened it, making sure it didn't creak.

"wait," sehun decided, sitting up properly on his bed, "i've never snuck out before."

"why am i not surprised?" jongin laughed just slightly, already half way out, "come on, sehun, don't be so innocent. you trust me, don't you?"

jongin's voice was light, teasing even. sehun liked it. he sounded happy.

"yeah," sehun agreed, grabbing onto jongin's house and following him out of the window. jongin closed it behind him, leading sehun away from his house. they kept quiet, not wanting to wake the neighborhood.

"wait, i forgot my phone," sehun mumbled.

"good. if they notice you're gone, they can't track you," jongin said. sehun frowned.

"why would i be caught?" sehun asked.

"you won't. probably," jongin shrugged, "let's get ice cream. i know a place that's open till midnight."

"they'll recognize me," sehun said, "everyone knows i'm the pastor's kid, and they'll ask my dad what i was doing out so late."

"hmm," jongin said, looking to sehun, "reckon my hoodie would be a bit too big on you?"

"excuse you, sir, but i'm taller than you are," sehun scoffed.

"you're skinnier than i am," jongin laughed, "it'll be big. oh well, i guess it will have to do. here."

jongin took off his hoodie, handing it to sehun. sehun didn't complain as he pulled it on. jongin fixed the hoodie over his head, making sure his face was covered. luckily his pajamas consisted of grey joggers and white shirt, so he didn't look weird either the black hoodie. jongin himself was left in black skinny jeans and a navy blue muscle tee. it didn't take long for them to reach the ice cream parlor, since they did live in a pretty small town, after all. jongin held the door open for sehun, and he sighed, walking in. he blinked in surprise seeing none other than johnny at the cash register.

"hi there, welcome to kim's ice cream locker. i'm johnny. what can i get you both today?"

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