"Oh and miss, the dogs going to have to stay here."


"He's dangerous."

"No he's not."

"What's his purpose if not for fighting then?" Háma asked clearly too tired to be here.

"Ummm. He's my....err seeing dog?"

"Yes. My seeing dog. I'm blind." Háma raised a sceptical eyebrow at the girl. "Ask the guard that took the weapons. I didn't even know I was wearing any."

"Is this true, Gandalf? She has a seeing dog?" Gimli decided he'd save her head this time.

"Aye. And we're the lassies carers." Gimli nodded rather proudly. "We care so she don't have to. Between her and the old man we have our work cut out. "

Senžanya smiled at Gimli and he beemed back. The brunette elleth crouched down and placed a light kiss on his cheek in thanks. The Dwarf waved it off as nothing but noticed a certain ellons jobs jaw tense. Gimli stifled a chuckle, oh boy would he tease Legolas about this later.

For some bizarre reason Gandalf had been stopped with the demand that he hand over his stick.
"Eh? Oh. No, you would not part an old man from his walking stick?" Háma rolled his eyes, stepping aside the others following to enter.

The throne room was very grand yet very dull. On the throne stood a very frail and sickly looking man. He looked as if he didn't even have the strength to breath on his own. Kneeling down next to the king was a man almost as pale as the sickly king with hair as dark as ink. Gríma.

Gandalf stumbled, cluclutching onto Legolas while Senžanya had her hand on the back of Cassius's neck. He was doing very well at staying calm and by her side dispite his new surroundings. The things the fellowship would do in order to maintain a false pretence. Even Gimli pipped in telling her once every few steps that their were benches on either side as if Senžanya couldn't see them.

"My lord. Gandalf the Grey is coming. He is a herald of woe." Gríma hissed into the King's ear.

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?" The king wheezes out looking to Gríma for support. The serpentine man nods in mock support.

"Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is in ill guest." Gríma sculked forward towards the fellowship.

A low rage bubbled up from inside Gandalf at the cunning man's words. Pulling out his staff and raising it he bombed, "Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!"

Gríma ducked down in fear of the inanimate cane and turned to the gaurds. "His staff! I told you to take the wizard's staff!"

Aragorn, Legolas, Senžanya and Gimli jumped in to fight the gaurds as they advanced towards the supposedly sick and frail Gandalf.
Gandalf took the opportunity to walk to Théoden. One of the king's guards moved to draw his sword, but Háma stopped him doing so. He knew Gandalf wasn't the frail old man he pretended to be.

"Théoden, Son of Théngel. Too long have you sat in the shadows."

The inky haired traitor started to slip away, knowing what would happen to him if the King found out what he had done. Senžanya dropped down and swung her leg around hitting the back of his ancles, sending Gríma spiralling to the floor. Gimli places a heavy foot onto the grounded man's chest pushing him closer to the ground as he tried to get back up. "I would stay still if I were you."

Senžanya ran back to carry on fighting with her Elven and Human companions. She throws a series of swift kicks and punches to the two gaurds attempting to grab her. 'More fool them.' She thought to herself as Cassius jumped on them and proceed to sit on them, his large weight preventing them from moving.

"Harken to me! I release you from the spell."

The sunken face of the king contorted to one of amusement as he burst out into a fit of coughing and cackling."You have no power here Gandalf the Grey." Slowly Gandalf throws down his grey cloak to reveal his pearly white robes. The laughter stops as Théoden leant back in his throne, suddenly understanding the severity of his situation.

"I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound." The king cries out as a blinding light is emitted. The kings neice, Èowyn, rushed forward in attempt to reach Théoden, but was stopped by Aragorn.

"If I go — Théoden dies." Saruman hissed from Théoden's mouth.

"I seriously doubt it." Senžanya mutterd under her breath watching the spectical. All involved in the fighting had stopped after realising they weren't going to win.

"You did not kill me. You will not kill him."

"Rohan is mine!"

"Be gone!" Théoden launched himself up at Gandalf, yelling, but flew back. Èowyn wriggled out of Aragorn grasp and rushed to Théoden, whose face began to change. The colour returned to his cheeks and he looked younger. More healthy.

"I know your face. Èowyn — Èowyn." Théoden cried happily cupping his neices face. Gandalf proceeded with the usual pleasentries before handing Théoden his sword. The newly recovered king glared hateful at Gríma, jesturing for him to be thrown out. The guards willingly co-operated, chucking the man out the hall.

"Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" Théoden roared, madened by rage. He raised his sword, more than ready to end the spy of Saurman but the ranger stopped him. "No my lord! No my lord. Let him go."

"Enough blood has been spilt on his account." Senžanya murmured rubbing Cassius's ear.

Aragorn offered a hand to Gríma, a last chance but the snake spat at him before scampering away.

Théoden span around in confusion. His eyes scandal those around him.
"Where is Théodred? Where is my son?"

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