Part 6

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After leaving the coven in Egypt, Samantha had found herself on her way to the Cullen's as that is where she was told she would find Benjamin and she needed to find him so she could tell him how she left the Volturi just to be with him and that she never meant what she said when they last spoke, she brought a car so she could drive to Forks, she wanted to blend in and hopefully no one would notice her when she got into town.

after a long drive she arrived in Forks and went straight to The Cullen's house where she was greeted by her trusted friend Carlisle. "Samantha what a lovely surprise, is everything okay dear? You looked like you've done something wrong?" He spoke with a smile before opening the front door for her and let her in. "Yes Carlisle I'm okay but I ran from my coven and now they are looking for me" she spoke as she sat at the table but then the rest of the coven turned up so she explained the whole ordeal to them all. "You see I just have to find him and was told he was here?" she asked looking at Carlisle who sighs and looks down at his feet.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Samantha but Benjamin moved on, he has a new mate and he left two days ago with her and the rest of the coven after our ordeal with your own coven" he spoke as Samantha's unbeating heart had just shattered into tiny pieces, she couldn't believe he had moved on or that she was too late to do anything about it, maybe her father was right, maybe she didn't need love but how could someone without a heart feel so much pain. "T..thank you Carlisle I'll be on my way then as I would hate to get you into trouble with my father"

But it was too late as her father was outside waiting for her to come out, Jasper and Alice rushed upstairs and looked at them. "Carlisle? They are all outside The Volturi" Jasper spoke as he looked at him then went outside to see Aro. "Aro, We had nothing to do with this, she just turned up" Carlisle spoke ad Samantha walked out behind him. "Carlisle it's okay they are here for me so please go inside" she spoke as she walked over to her father. "Father please I need to do this, I wouldn't be able to focus on being Queen or a leader if I don't do this ."

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