Bare with me (╥_╥)

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Hello my love's! I'm back AGAIN after taking yet another break..  \(;´□`)/ I had like Mega writers block,  and along with the holidays I haven't really had much time to write anything,  so I'm really sorry!! Now that it's a new year,  I'm starting to get back into writing, and I plan on trying to finish this story,  and start another one.

I was thinking about doing an xreader but I'm not sure who to do.  I had the Idea of doing either Denki or Sero in the My Hero section.
From other anime's I was kind of thinking someone from soul eater ( probably Soul or Blackstar )  x reader

I also thought that I might try someone from Splash Free (most likely Nagisa) x reader

If you have any suggestions of characters please leave a comment or DM me!

I also might possibly end up writing an actual book with my own character's! I would also like opinions on that. 

Thank you for all of you who ate patient with me and my stupid ass 💖💖💖💖💖 ಥ_ಥ

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