Part 2: The Edge of Dreams

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(The garden in the picture is how I imagined Mother Nature's grove to be like, because we don't see much of it in the movies.) 

*Your Pov*

You knew it was a dream when your eyes opened.

There's something about dreams that just...clicked with you. But this one was different.

You looked around to see an eternal green forest. You recognized it immediately :It was Mother Nature's home.

You walked inside, pushing the wooden doors. You had lived here for a long time, as long as you could remember. She told you at a young age about your past, and it didn't harm you at all. When she found you. You still wondered what happened to your family. Maybe someday you'll find them. If your even alive.

You shook your head. Smelling the air, a fragrance of fir and evergreen came. It surprised you how vivid this dream felt.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around sharply.

"Mother Nature!" you cried, hugging your dear adopted Mother.

"Hello, my y/n" she smiled calmly and hugged you back.


"So, we're dreaming, but also not?" Your eyebrow raised, you walked along her garden path.

"Yes, but there is little time for me to explain. Right now I have an important question to ask you." Mother Nature was a very wise leader, she had always been straight to the point.

The both of you sat on the trunk of a tree.

"What is it?" Your gaze looked worried,

Mother nature took your hands in hers,

"Do you love my son y/n?"

"huh?" Your heart nearly skipped a beat. You were stunned. Not only at her question but the way she asked you. She had never looked concern like that before, as it is hard to surprise Mother Nature.

"Do you love Heat Miser?" She stated again.

"Of course I do, you know him, and Snow Miser are my closest friends. Heat would always look out for me, tell me not to get pushed around so much, to trust myself more." You sighed at the many memories you had, campfires, chasing the minions in elaborate games of hide and go seek, pranking Snow Miser.

Mother Nature laughed. This snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to blush madly.

"oh, I understand." You laughed with her.

"But, it couldn't be right, I'm a human, and I don't even know how he feels." You looked around at her home,

"This is all a dream anyway, right?" You felt your face fall.

"Not exactly." She answered, causing you to look up,

"Before my son's argument, he gave you something." She kissed her hand and it lit up in green swirls,

She reached her hand out to you, and you looked up to her and reached your hand out.

"Argument?" Your eyes curiously inspected her hand.

"Right now, my son, Heat Miser, is arguing with a sibling as usual." She paused, you looked down and your eyebrows furrowed: Cinnamon Chin.

"But this is different. He is fighting for someone. For you. He and Snow Miser gave up something they love for someone they love: you." She squeezed your hand.

You looked up at her,

"Heat Miser..?" you didn't look back down.

"He gave you a choice. Through his kiss, he's giving your soul the physical and spiritual opportunity to become an elemental. The element of light and fire, as that is what he represents."

You felt your cheeks heat up again, deeper this time. Your heartbeat raced. You couldn't speak for a minute, so Mother Nature continued,

"It's a lot to process, I understand. But there is little time before your mortal body succumbs to death. But that's why I'm here. I'm helping you understand. I'll leave you to think."

As she stood up, you stood up with her. Her eyes widened as you wrapped your arms around her and hugged her.

"Does he love me?" You whispered in her ear,

The two of you looked at each other,

"Yes. For a very long time now. Here. Listen."
She held your hand and kissed your forehead,

You felt your senses heighten to hear sobbing. You couldn't see anyone, but recognized the voice,

"I love you too much" was all you heard. Your heart began to race, and you felt your hands shaking.
"H-he loves me?" You turned to Mother Nature,

She smiled.

"B-but how? How can he, If I'm about to leave- "

"It's a process called elemental transfiguration. Elementals can only do it once in their entire existence, to anything. He chose you." She added,

"Wow. I-I mean, I'm honored, but, why me?" You questioned, out of everything he could have done, why a human?

"Why not? You are a human, yes, but not like anyone I've ever known. You understand things very deeply, and your innocent spirit has brought out the best in him." She replied, as if she had been preparing to tell you for centuries.

"But, how do I know he won't change his mind? What if?" You began to be flustered, then you heard her laugh again,

"My Heat Miser is very stubborn, and he loves you very much, more than anything I have ever seen. He's given up things he would burn down castles for. Even negotiating with his antagonizing brother. Not just because he knows how much you mean to me, but because of you." She walked down the path, as you listened she continued,

"You showed him kindness and opened his eyes to the beauty of this world, and in himself and his work." She lifts her hand as the mother bird on her hat flutters down onto her finger.

She turns back to face you,

"I know he thinks I don't favor him, but I am harsh on him because I know what fire can do, I know the potential and power it has." She extends her opposing hand, and with a snap, well, a few snaps, finally a bright spark erupts, and the Mother Bird shies away.

"What he has." She looks at the flame created by the spark.

"And I know you can help him with that. You are his light." She breathed in, closing her hand as the flame died. She looked up as a ray of sun glistened down onto your face.

The light fixated on your still frame; you beam in wonder.

"I-I had no idea." You finally said,

"I know" She knowingly added,

You take a deep breath, "Ok, I'm ready".

"I know that too." She finished as she boops your nose. The two of you laugh.

You felt yourself being lifted in her arms, but you continue to rise above her as she waved, you watched her home become smaller then disappear from your view.

"Ta ta!" You hear her call in the distance.

The next moment, you saw nothing but white.

You shifted yourself as you were suspended in this place.

You hear a faint sound by your ear, like the sound of sparks bursting in a campfire's flame.

You saw 3 swirls of red, pink and orange fly by you.

As you stood still, they slowly flew up to you, as if they were hesitant themselves.

You felt a warmth, a familiarity erupting from them. You smiled and held your hand out to them.

Holding the swirls in your hand, you reached down and kissed them. The swirls wrapped around your hand and enveloped you in these warm colors.

You felt your whole body warm up, as the swirls held onto you. You felt your hair spin and change and grabbed it a little to see it was no longer your h/c, but a beautiful deep burgundy. You felt your cheeks bloom into a rosy pink.

You felt your vision blur, then darken. But you weren't afraid, not at all.

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