"Chapter 1"

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Todoroki POV
It was morning. I had just woke up and a beam of light from my bedroom window was shinning through. I look at the time and it's 9:30 AM. "Crap." I thought to myself. "I'm going to be late." I thought again.
"Shoto sweetheart! Are you up?!" My mom called from across the hall.
She isn't usually this loud in the mornings, but considering that it's 9:30, and everyone is already up, it didn't bother anyone.
I got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and power walked to the dinning area where my family was already sitting at.
"Fuyumi? Natsuo? Aren't you two supposed to be at work?" I asked.
"No silly! It's Saturday!" Fuyumi said.
I looked at them puzzled, and confused..
"Yea bro, I mean c'mon, you're usually up at like, 7:30 AM! What's your deal?" Said Natsuo.
"Well, I, uh...didn't really get mush sleep last night so I"-
As soon as I was about to explain to them, I hear someone shout my name, and I knew exactly who it was.
"SHOTOO!!!" My dad yelled.
"What do you want "Father?" I said with a sigh.
"SHOTO!" As of tomorrow, you are to pick out an Omega to serve as your bride! But, unfortunately, I will not be there to assist you since I have hero work to attend."
He left without saying a word more.
"WHAT?!" I said with an angry tone.
"Oh isn't that exciting Sho? You get to pick out an Omega tomorrow!" My mom said with joy.
I was angry and confused at the same time that I didn't even realize that half of my body was frozen.
"Wow, I knew you hated dad, but I didn't know you hated him THAT much." Natsuo Said laughing.
I unfroze myself, knowing that if I didn't within the next 15 minutes I would start to get frostbite on my arm and leg.
After all that happened I was surprisingly tired, so I went to the couch to lay down for a short nap.

Izuku POV
Dear Diary,
Today, a new Omega came into the Orphanage today. Her name is Kagami, and she had pretty blonde hair with shimmering white eyes. She wasn't showing her ears or tail so she must've been scared or nervous.
Kagami was really nice to me. She was my new friend! In fact, my only friend. We shared a lot in common, like the interest in quirks, our favorite type of sushi, etc. But the reason why I'm writing right now is because I'm actually scared about tomorrow. Tomorrow is "Adoption Day" when People(mostly guys) come in and pick an Omega of their choosing. I don't like it because I never get picked. Is it because I'm a male? I hope Kagami doesn't get picked because then I'll be left alone again...with no friend...with no one.

Todoroki POV
I decided to meet up with a few friends from U.A. Katsuki Bakugou and Ochaco Ururaka.
"Hey Todo! How have you been?" Ururaka says with a big grin.
I frown, and then Bakugou starts talking.
"ICYHOT! IF YOU DON'T SAY SOMETHING SOON, ILL BLOW YOUR FACE AWAY!!" Bakugou said with his usual anger.
"Bakugou, please stop calling me "Icyhot," and call me something else." I say with a light tone.
I guess he moved onto half n' half now.
"Are you okay Todo? You seem a little upset?" Ururaka says with concern.
"I'm fine really, it's just that...my father wants me to adopt an Omega for my future bride, and I'm not very excited about it." I said with dispassion.
Ururaka and Bakugou look at me with a confused and mostly shocked face.
"That's AWESOME Todo! What type of Omega will you adopt?" She says with glee.
"That's the thing...I don't want to adopt." I say.
"Awe, why not?" Ururaka says with sadness.
"I'm not prepared! I'm not responsible to have an Omega running around my house, and I'm scared to what my father will do to it!" I say nervously.
I started to have a mild panic attack when Ururaka hugged me.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay Todo! And if you want, me and Katsuki can come with you.." she says passionately.
"Okay you can come, but make sure Bakugou doesn't scare any of the children." I say almost about to laugh.
"OI! I DIDN'T AGREE TO GO ROUND FACE!!" Bakugou says with a very loud tone.
Now it was time to go home and sleep. The next day, I will be greeted with an Omega sitting by my side for the rest of my life...

To Be Continued....

Lil' Omega [Discontinued ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ