Chapter 1 "Hate and Distrust"

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Connor POV

"Look at yourself!"

"You will always be the enemy!"

"You're worthless!"

"He can't be trusted!"

"Don't go near him!"

"He has evil hidden inside of him!"

"You don't belong here!"


Their words echoed through my mind, Markus let me into Jericho but I should've known that none of the others would.

I felt the soft breeze on my face, I dropped my head into my palms rubbing my eyes I slid my hands up my face sliding off my beanie I clutched it in my hands, as I stared down at it i was reminded that even though i may hide my LED and even though i may be deviant, i will always be a machine. I slowly slid it back on hiding my LED that I still had yet to take out. The revolution had just ended, and all the androids were celebrating back at Jericho... well all except me. I don't think I'll ever be welcomed there especially after I got Simon the original leader of Jericho killed in a shootout on the rooftop of the tower.

I looked out towards the bridge, overlooking the water. The night sky looked foggy and dark, not a star could be seen in the florescent light of the city. But it seemed like so much more than that, like now that I'm deviant the world seems so much darker than I realized before.

I have no where to go, I can't go to any of the cyberlife towers now that I'm deviant which is where I was staying while I was a machine, I can't go to Jericho because they don't trust me, they're scared of me and they hate me, the revolution has only just been won, androids have only just now earned freedom, they haven't worked out all the paperwork for androids to legally own property, and even if they did manage to do it so quickly, I don't have any money, I don't even know if I have a job anymore, especially after I knocked Detective Reed out in the archive room, breaking into the cyber life towers and freeing those androids and everything else.

I'm all alone and for the first time in my life... I can feel it. And it hurts.

For the first time in my life I don't know where to go, and I have no one to help me or tell me what to do.

The sharp feeling of tears threatening to spill stung my eyes as i struggled to hold them back. But no amount of force could surpass the voices in my head that yelled out every awful thing I'd done and every awful thing i am.

Even North and Josh don't trust nor like me even after freeing those androids in cyberlife they, mostly North, still give me side glares and i don't think that will change any time soon. They haven't even spoken to me yet. Not once. I wouldn't if I were them either though I suppose.

All those deviants I got killed, they were innocent, they only hurt those people because those people were hurting them. They just wanted to be free and I got them killed. I got them destroyed. I got them hurt and the people they love hurt. I was so stupid! I was stupid to believe anything that the humans told me about deviancy just being an error and that they were just machines nothing more. But they aren't and now I understand but now its too late.

I'm being replaced at the station.

I'm not wanted at Jericho.

I'm nothing.

I will always be nothing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand being placed on my shoulder my head darted upwards to see whose hand was on my shoulder, i saw the Lieutenant standing there looking down at me "Come on, Son. Let's go home." He said simply to me "I don't have a home." I said looking down at the ground, "Look i have a couch you can sleep on for now, its not the best place but it'll work until you're able to get back on your feet. And I'll talk to Fowler tomorrow about you keeping your job." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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