(Not a chapter i just dont know where to start)

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I honestly have no idea where to start writing and I've been writing and deleting this chapter over and over and I have so many ideas and everything but i have no idea where to start!

I just have one question, where can i buy inspiration and creativity because i think I've run out of both.

I'm working on chapter 1 though and i will not quit until its finished and published!

Also sorry for making another book when i rarely update all my other books but if you think this is the last book I'm posting then HAH YOU'RE PROBABLY WRONG or maybe right idk i don't have 2020 vision. Yes i know its already 2020 and that joke is overused and dead but it still works in this context i guess.

Deviant Art (Conkus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ