"So, did you have fun?" Grayson smirks, reaching for some of my fries.

Ignoring him, I laugh and scoot backward. "Eat your own fries, Dolan," he just holds up his empty container with a pout. "Maybe you shouldn't have eaten them all before we even got back here then."

"E, c'mere."

"No, steal from Opal."

"She won't let me!"

"And neither will I," his brother snorts, moving closer to me where Grayson can't reach. "Hey, Opal. Give me one of your nuggets."

I groan, attempting to scoot further back as he grins and tries to steal one, but only end up falling right off the bleachers. Ouch.

"Oh my god."

"Opal!" Grayson cringes, rushing up from his seat and over to my side. "Ethan, look what you did."

"This is so not my fault," he scoffs, both of them grabbing one of my hands and pulling me up. "You good?"

Scrunching up my nose, I nod and rub the back of my head. I only really fell a few feet, we weren't sat super high, it was more of a shock than anything.

"Opal, are you okay?" Grayson asks quietly, frowning as we take our seats again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nod slowly. Looking between them both, they actually seem genuinely worried. It's a strange enough sight to make me burst into laughter.

Ethan chuckles once I start laughing, and Grayson smiles, but then lightly shoves me. "You looked like you were about to fucking cry. Scared the hell out of me."

"Oh calm down, I fell two feet," I tease, snagging his shake. He only rolls his eyes as I take a sip of it.

"Oh, so you can steal from us but won't spare a nugget? I see how it is," Ethan huffs.

Nodding, I pass Grayson his shake again. "I could've died. I get to steal since it was both of your faults."

"She's more dramatic than you are."

"Not true," I laugh, feeling my phone buzz. It turns out to be Celia.

Celia: ok so i know i totally ditched you
Celia: and I'm super sorry
Celia: but also I have a girlfriend now
Celia: :') !!!!!!!!!!!
Opal: I'm so proud of you
Opal: all grown up
Celia: oh my god shut up opal
Celia: you made it home safe?
Opal: no
Opal: I didn't actually go home... tell you later? And you can tell me all about Julie?
Celia: hm. deal. keep your secrets for now
Celia: WAIT are you with Grayson
Celia: did you kiss him
Celia: are you kissing him rn am I distracting you from kissing him

With a roll of my eyes, I leave her on read until I'm home. We both ended up having good nights.

I'm not sure I'd say it to their faces yet, but the twins aren't so bad. If I told them though, I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it.

i like (the idea of) you • grayson dolanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ