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Is there a point in loving me
If all you do is leave?
Is there a point if I'm too broken
To say the words back?

Is there a point if we're too scared
Thinking of what will be?
I know its not ideal but I don't know
What's going on anymore. I'm sorry

It wasn't meant to be like this.
That's all I can say trust me.
I jump to conclusions and
Don't give things a chance.

I wish things were different
But they're not, It is what it is.
I am who I am, slightly dented.
How can I change destiny?

Maybe we met to experience
What we're not supposed to be
To learn from our deeds, not to last
Just to become memories.

I'm trying to be better, to stop overthinking
Did you think it's easy, because it's not
I want to give up, I'm content
I want to be independent, but I'm lonely.

The walls are caving in, I'm losing the people I love
Everything around me is changing.
I'm not used to that, I miss the routine.

I wish time stood still, just for a second longer
I'd do anything to go back to what I was last year
But life goes on and I do too,
It's okay if I'm alone in the end.

I've always been alone
In my mind, in my heart
I'm hard to love, easy to leave
I wish I was someone else

Someone kind, affectionate
Who goes with the flow
But trust me when I say
If I love you I'll stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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