♡ The Play (Pt. 3) ♡

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♡ For the simple reason that I don't want there to be so many parts of this, I won't go into that much detail as I did in the last chapter, and this chapter will most likely be long. Hope you enjoy

Rani P.O.V

After the first song had finished, myself, Shoto, Iida and Midoriya stood on stage as the crowd clapped for our first performance. We waited for a few seconds as their applause died down and Eclipse changed the background to show a balcony on the Isle of the lost.

Once the room was silent once again, I smiled to myself for a quick moment before speaking up, reading my lines from the script. "I can't believe this day has finally arrived! I honestly wish we could take you all with us, and someday, very soon, maybe we can." 

I then turned to Midoriya, as he spoke his line. "Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times you're going to be so sick of us."

"So sick of us!" I added, chuckling a small bit. 

"Can we get a drum roll please?" Izuku then asked, Eclipse playing the drum roll sound from backstage. It stopped after a few seconds as the lights dimmed, only showing me in the spotlight as I continued.

"First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Daughter of Drizella, My Sweet, Sweet Friend, My Mina."

In the dark, Izuku, Shoto, Iida and all the people backstage clapped as Mina ran on stage, lights following her as she made her way to stand beside me. The lights then changed, placing everyone in the dark beside Shoto.

"Next, Son of Smee. Come on Ojiro!" Shoto called, with the light following Ojiro as he made his way on the stage. Even though I couldn't see nor hear her, I was sure Eclipse was holding back her laughter.

"And no way we're splitting up the twins, come over here Shoji." Iida followed.

Finally, it was Izuku's turn, who smiled as he was placed into the spotlight. "And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it up for Dr. Facilier's Daughter, Tsuyu!"

"We'll be back for you next week, okay?" Midoriya spoke, turning to the 4 of them. "So pack your stuff, your own stuff."

"Where are we going?" I questioned. "We're going to..."


«────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────»

The lights then dimmed as the 8 of us made our way off stage, the crowd clapping as we changed over scenes. Eclipse changed the background to a balcony overlooking the water behind Auradon Prep. 

When the lights finally came back on, Midoriya was already standing on stage looking through binoculars to one side, while Uraraka came up from behind him a few moments later. 

"Not a tentacle in sight.." Midoriya started.

The two continued to have their conversation regarding Bakugou before Uraraka convinces Midoriya to leave, leading him off the way she came as the lights darkened again. Before the crowd had a moment to clap, the lights had already come on and the background was changed.

This time it was the front of Auradon Prep. Myself, Shoto, Iida, Sero,  Momo, Jiro, Mineta, Haru, and Aoyama were already on stage as Uraraka and Deku walked on hand in hand. Sero, dressed in a beautiful sparklingly blue dress pretended to test a microphone before handing it over to Uraraka, who spoke her lines.

"What's up Auradon?" she called first, as those of us on stage and even those backstage cheered. "Thank you, Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon!" She stated, smiling. "It worked out pretty well for the first four," she added after a short pause, turning to look at Midoriya. 

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