File: Alexandria

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Name: Alexandria Atlantic Mikaelson

Preferred Names: Alex, Ally, Al

D.O.B: 2nd May 2012

Mother: Hayley Marshall

Father: Niklaus Mikaelson

Siblings: Hope Andrea Mikaelson


Alexandria is the most powerful of them all. Not only is she one of two mythical tribrids; Part witch, Part Wolf, and (eventually) part vampire – a melange of supernatural lineages once thought impossible. Not only has she inherited the raw power of a first born Mikaelson witch she also contains the impossible power of The Hollow inside of her.

Alexandria has become a master of control; this is essential for her in keeping her magic in check so she doesn't hurt anyone or herself. Due to this she has cut off all meaningful connections she had made with people outside of her family at the Salvatore School, now choosing to stay by her sisters side.

She constantly lives in fear of hurting herself or other around her. Believing that death follows and heartbreak seem to follow her. Due to this irrational fear she had resigned herself to a life of isolation, only interacting with members of her family.

Clinical Diagnosis

PTSD- Alexandria suffers from ptsd due to the amount of severe and repeated psychological traumas she has experienced thus far in life. From the continued splitting of her family to her childhood possession by the Hollow.

Serve Mood Swings- Alexandria moods can change drastically. This is thought to be a side effect of the Hollow inside of her. She may go from an extreme high to an extreme low which often manifests itself in the form of anger or over confidence.

Co-Dependency Alexandria has a habit of putting her sister before herself even if it has, sometimes, disastrous side effects. She will often put herself in danger or sacrifice her own happiness in order to protect her sister and others around her.

Long Term Recommendation

Despite everything Alexandria is a very powerful young student with great potential. However, due to her fear of hurting the people she cares about she has a tendency to take every problem head on. Alexandria must learn to open up to others and trust herself that she won't hurt anyone. She must learn that not everything can be solved alone.

Like her sister Alexandria shares the belief that she is a cosmic mistake. Surrendering to this mindset would mean buckling under the burden of her family legacy and giving into the Hollows darkest influences. This would not only be disastrous for Alexandria but for everyone around her. Like her sister, Alexandria has the power to change the world for the better but she first must not only accept that potential but the willingness to become the hero she was born to be instead of the villain everyone thinks she is.

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