Mustafar And Afterward: Maul Saves A Lot Of People And Goes Into Exile

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"I finally figured out what to say," Padme said.

"And what is that?"

"I love you!"

Maul didn't let that distract him, but the world seemed to fall silent even as he kept deflecting shot after shot. Without breaking his concentration, he looked back over his shoulder at Padme.

"I love you, too," he said, and somehow she was able to hear his quiet voice over the roaring wind, the hum of the lightsaber, and the blaster shots.

Padme turned to the driver. "Get us the hell out of here, back to Maul's ship!"

"Right away, Senator Amidala," Mr. Dume said, putting on a burst of speed that took them away from the pursuing Sith. Maul deactivated his lightsaber, somehow managing to keep his footing, as they set down near his ship.

"Thank you," Maul said as Padme jumped out. "Now get the hell out of here. Ditch the cab, get a new one; you can come back for yours later. They never got a good look at you, so hopefully you'll be safe."

"Go. Keep resisting them. I believe in you," Mr. Dume said, speeding away.

"Let's go!" Maul urged, taking Padme's hand and pulling her towards his ship. 

The moment they were inside, Maul took off and escaped through the lanes of air traffic into Coruscant's atmosphere. He didn't breathe easy until they were safely in hyperspace, on their way to the asteroid where Yoda and Bail Organa had taken Ahsoka.

Maul slumped in the pilot's seat, exhausted but knowing there was still more to be done.

"Are you okay?" Padme asked, laying a hand on his arm. 

"Maybe?" Maul said. "I don't know."

"We'll get through this," Padme assured him. "Where are we going?"

"To help Ahsoka," Maul said. "She's in labor."

"Already?" Padme sounded surprised. 

"Yeah," Maul confirmed. "I left her with Yoda and Bail Organa. They took her to an asteroid with a small medical bay -- Polis Massa. That's where we're headed."

Padme's hand migrated down to intertwine with Maul's. "I hope she's okay," Padme said. "I've been friends with Ahsoka for as long as I can remember. She's a little sister to me."

"Yeah, I know," Maul said. "She's strong. Snips'll be fine."

Padme shot him a sideways glance and smiled. Maul noticed the look.


"You called her Snips," Padme noted.

"Yeah. Your point is?" Maul really didn't see the significance of it.

"The point is that Ahsoka doesn't let just anyone call her Snips. Rex, me, and Anakin were the only ones I knew of," Padme explained.

Maul gave her a tired smile. "We've gotten closer through both being Jedi spies. She's a firey one. Obviously she trusts me enough to let me call her Snips. She contacted me first about Mustafar. I'm just disappointed that it took so long to get there. If I'd been a few minutes earlier, I might have been able to stop the Sith from taking you."

"If you'd been a few minutes earlier, Maul, you'd probably be dead," Padme told him. "I'm glad you came when you did. You saved me; that's all that matters."

They fell silent after that. A few minutes later, they shot out of hyperspace and Maul had to take the controls again, piloting his ship down to the Polis Massa medical outpost.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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