Should Ahsoka Be Kicked Out Of The Jedi Order? Maybe. Who Knows?

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ANAKIN WAS CHASING her. So were a bunch of clones. So was Obi-Wan. And Ahsoka, normally the one who was bored by literally everything, was terrified by it.

She hadn't actually bombed the Jedi Temple. She hadn't even been on Coruscant when the bombing happened. She hadn't killed that woman -- Letta -- in the holding cell, either.

But she knew who had. Her best friend, Barriss Offee. 

Ahsoka hadn't known she was a Dark Jedi until recently. Barriss didn't know that Ahsoka knew. She didn't know that Ahsoka was almost a full Sith Lord. But she'd framed her for a murder that Ahsoka suspected the Jedi, Anakin, and Obi-Wan all thoguht she really had committed. 

How nice it was to have such loyal friends, Ahsoka thought sarcastically. 

Once again, she found herself contemplating why she'd turned to the Dark Side in the first place. It was because of Skyguy, she guessed -- he'd been so open about it, she'd fallen prey to his ways. But now...

Now she wasn't entirely sure she wanted it anymore.

She hated the thought of the pointless mass murder that Skyguy and Obi-Wan went out to do. War was casualty enough for her. While she did have a healthy dose of hatred for Hondo and his pirates, she really didn't have all that much anger or hatred in her otherwise. 

Ahsoka's use of the Dark Side was driven mostly by fear, she thought. Fear of being kicked out of the only family she'd ever known -- though thanks to Bariss, that had happened anyway. Fear of herself, of what she could become. The inherent fear that war brought to every living being.

And, Ahsoka realized, fear of Anakin and Obi-Wan.

They were too powerful. She was constantly afraid when she was with them -- afraid that they'd sense her unease, afraid of how they would react if they found out she was having doubts, afraid of how casually they talked about murder, afraid of the dangerous look in Obi-Wan's eyes whenever Maul was brought up. The two of them scared her. Even their relationship, as intimate and dark and open as it was, was a frightening thing to behold.

All this was chasing its way through her head as Ahsoka herself ran through the pipe system that ran through the Jedi Temple, trying in vain to outrun Anakin and his entourage of clones. 

Karabast, Ahsoka thought as she hit the end of the pipelines, staring out into the busy lanes of traffic that ran through some of the tunnels into the main sector of the city-planet. Karabast, karabast, karabast. Bariss, why did you have to do this to me?

"Ahsoka!" Anakin's voice scared her. She jumped, then turned to see Anakin as he skidded to a halt in the mouth of the tunnel, facing her. "Ahsoka!"

"I didn't commit those murders, Anakin!" Ahsoka shouted. "I'm innocent!"

"Are you?" Anakin asked. "Or are you just saying that to try and get yourself off the hook?"

"I know who did it!" Ahsoka yelled. "It was Barriss, Barriss Offee! My friend! Luminara Unduli's apprentice!"

"I know it wasn't you, Snips!" Anakin called. "But this is pointless! Turn yourself in and await the trial, and stop accusing people until we can actually find out who was behind this!"

"Anakin, you don't understand!" Ahsoka screamed, tears running down her face no matter how hard she tried to fight them. "I know it was Barriss! I have no proof, but I do know that I can't let the Jedi get away with expelling me for a murder I didn't commit! The Jedi are the only reason I'm still alive! The Jedi found me as a baby, orphaned by a war on my homeworld! The Jedi protected me, the Jedi raised me, the Jedi trained me! The Jedi are my family, my life! I'm not about to give that up because of my backstabbing best friend accusing me of a murder I wasn't even present for!"

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