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I got into trouble because one of my readers they said that I said bed stuff about them in my chapter "Friends" I didn't understand what I had said because I didn't say her name her wattpad name anything about her yet she told a teacher I'm not being mean but what I'm saying is that telling the teacher won't do much because the teacher doesn't care if I say my friend who is a girl because it could mean anyone so next time if you want to say something comment on my book pm me post a message on my message board or something but please don't bring school into it

Also my chapter madmaddy391 I said about a kid called Erik and he said that people on wattpad were bagging him about it and please don't because the chapter was not meant for people to "bag him out" it was meant to say that watch out people are like that and will hurt you so be careful I didn't want anyone to be hated on I wanted people to be warned about the people who will hurt you the most so if u are reading this chapter please tell me why u told on me I respected all of the people I was talking about by not saying anyone's names so in the future if it think it's about your or you thinks it's to offensive I will state is it was you if I wasn't you and y I put up the chapter but only if I have a problem with the chapter so if u have a problem with the chapter TELL ME first before anyone else :)

Also the chapter about my drawings I decided to make it a whole new book so yea go check that out and when I publish it so yea that's all I have to say :)

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