chapter four

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boba's bounty ―

While Indirys slept, she was pummeled by an onslaught of nightmares.

The nightmares began as dreams, as all macabre things do. She dreamt of the stars in the sky, scintillating whirls of gas and flame that smiled at her through the darkness of the night. She dreamt of Delorian's devious smile, and the way her comments bounced off of Indirys' with a grace unknown to the galaxy since the age of the Jedi. But mostly, she dreamt of Lando, his loud and boisterous laugh being the only constant entity in her past and present.

It only took a moment for the fairytales of her life to turn into something much worse, and it all started with the simplest of thoughts. A thought so horrific that it still haunted the back of her fatigued eyelids, even after the figments of her subconscious ceased to dance.

And from then on, she could see nothing but her own worst fears. Fears she didn't know she was even capable of having. She was trapped in a mindless daze of remembrance and trepidation, yet she could not find it in herself to escape, as if her own free will had been rendered helpless by the shackles of nightmarish visions.

Suddenly, she saw the silhouettes of her parents as they walked away from her and Lando for the last time. The image of an adolescent version of Lando made sure to sear itself into the forefront of Indirys' mind. His cheeks were much pudgier than they were now, the red residue of tears streaming from his eyes acting as a symbol of his lost innocence.

She saw Delorian standing next to the Mandalorian bounty hunter. The dew-eyed girl held a single knife in her quaking hand, and the silver substance glinted in the sunlight, broadcasting one all-too-familiar name: Indirys Calrissian.

It was only when Indirys felt a cool metal brushing against the back of her neck that she realized she had been dreaming. When her eyelids peeled open to reveal gleaming chestnut-colored irises, she could still see vague outlines of the visions of her slumber. They looked so real. How could they only be projections of her distant memories?

Before Indirys got the chance to wipe the remnants of sleep from her eyes, she was jolted out of her comatose state by desperate shrieking. The shouts of resistance pierced her ears so violently that Indirys feared they might bleed, and she crawled to the front of her cells to peer through the bars, hoping she might get a glimpse of whatever creature Boba Fett had acquired.

"Let me go!" the woman cried out, her teeth bared as she yelped for mercy.. "Boba, don't do this! Don't do this, you know who he was to me!"

The woman's hair was loose in tangles of ebony. Her armor resembled that of a Mandalorian, with just enough adjustments to let any onlookers know that she was decidedly not from Mandalore. Even in the darkness of Boba's cargo bay, the curves of her outerwear reflected off of the tiny pinpoints of light that surrounded her, the reflected light illuminating her contorted face. Even so, Indirys had to squint to make out the sharp edges of her cheekbones and the smoothness of her caramel skin.

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