chapter one

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[ 01 - CHAPTER ONE ]

― born under a notable name ―

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born under a notable name ―

Since the year 32 BBY, the city of Coruscant has perpetually been a place of martial significance. Prior to the Clone Wars, the luminescent city was home to the Jedi and the controversial Galactic Senate. Throughout the duration of the Clone Wars, Coruscant was nothing less than a wargrounds. The feet of warriors and commanders alike enveloped the entire world, and until the war was over, there was not a single moment in which the Coruscant natives could find peace. Shockingly enough, Coruscant was the home of the dismal New Order - an order that declared all peace-making Jedi enemies of the state. Even after Supreme Chancellor Palpatine stepped into a permanent position of power, war still rang throughout the galaxy, and the siren at the center of the ringing was, predictably, Coruscant.

Given its belligerent past and present, it came as no surprise to any passersby to see a flock of stormtroopers traveling through the streets of the Galactic City. Some longtime citizens rushed out of their path and were careful not to make eye contact. Others stared straight into their tinted masks, thinking harsh and hateful things about their profession and the Imperials who commanded them. Still others of a much braver sort walked right past the group, paying no attention to their shoulders' rough connections with the troopers' uniforms.

Indirys Calrissian reacted differently than everyone else around her. Rather than stepping to the side or walking straight toward the deadly soldiers, she knew by instinct to avoid them altogether. As soon as she glimpsed the bright white uniforms and the guns that they entailed, she ducked into the nearest alleyway she could find. She had no idea where the compact passage lead, but as was true any time the dark-haired girl wanted credits, she hoped it would lead to a cantina of some sort.

When Indirys rounded a corner and saw just that, she couldn't help but smile. Cantinas, bars, and the like were some of Indirys' favorite places to be(as they allowed her twin blasters to remain strapped to her thighs), so when she saw the domed ceiling of a place she was so familiar with, she was overjoyed.

The atmosphere of the Coruscant Cantina was recognizable upon entrance. The smells of Bantha milk, Bespin Fizz, and Polanis Red flooded Indirys' nose. Conventional cantina music sounded underneath the noise of droning chatter, causing a sense of warmth to wash over her. Her entire life she'd visited places like these, whether it be with her brother or her dear close friend, and every single tavern she walked in managed to make her feel at home.

Her russet brown eyes danced across the premises, searching for an empty seat that interested her. Her gaze only stopped drifting when she caught sight of a place that suited her initial interests.

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