Crisis on Earth X

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Supergirl season 3 episode 8 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1"

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Supergirl season 3 episode 8 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1"


Dove kicked back at the taller man in front of her knocking him to the ground, she smirked underneath her mask taking out the round metal disk from her back examining it she flicked her wrist letting it fly out of her hand and land in the man's chest. Pressing her foot near the wound Dove hunched over watching the man take his last breath, she pulled the disk back out of his chest letting him bleed out onto the snow which covered the grass beneath them.

Dove's head turned listening to the sound of the crunching of the snow of multiple people ran across the ground towards her location, the running slowed down as they slowed into a walk as they stood in a line ready to fight Dove is they made the wrong move.

Dove stood up straight taking off her mask looking towards the middle of the line, "what are you doing here?" Dove asked

"To congratulate you on a successful mission and to give you your next one," the woman said taking the file off the solider next to her

"I don't want another mission, I want to leave, to stop. This isn't who I was supposed to be" Dove argued

"This is exactly who you were supposed to be..."

"I'm not your weapon" Dove shouted at her

"No! You're a disappointment"

Dove pulled her mask back over her face as the ground shook making the soldiers lose their balance as a blue swirl that looked like a portal appeared to her left Ruby took one last look at the woman in front of her before running towards the portal and jumped through it not really thinking about where she would land.

Earth 1
Central City

Dove rolled out of the portal standing up from her knees she walked to the open door seeing many soldiers with a logo she didn't seem too familiar with wrapped on a red piece of fabric around their arm as they were cover in black armour. She pulled the metal disk off her back ready for a fight she may be put in

The soldiers fired their guns at the people in front of them, a man in a suit stopped some of the bullets and two people merged together engulfing themselves in flame. Without a second thought, Dove sent her disk flying towards the soldiers knocking a few of them down and gaining the attention of some more.

"At least I know who the bad guys are," she said catching the disk as it flew back towards her putting it on her back once more she ran at the soldiers sliding under them and into the main fight.

Dove ran behind the rows of wooden seats being stopped by a soldier she raised her fists but she didn't have the chance to throw any punches as a blonde woman in a navy blue dress smacked the soldiers head against the wall next to them and pulled a gun off of another. another woman with red hair in a silver dress came up behind her with a gun hitting the soldier in the face not complete knocking him out, the two women fought their way through the soldiers and Dove finally had the chance to punch one of them in the face sending him the floor.

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