Chapter 1: New Mission , New Life

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 The buzzing of the intercom filled the room as Cleo and I sat down on the couch to answer the call.

“Intercom starting” the cold computer voice set in the air , Cleo look over to me and smiled , she known how much I hated that voice as a child.

The intercom over to a view of the H.I.A.S.I flashed over the screen a sea of blue and golden

Blue: For Justice

Golden: For Wisdom

“Agents 36 and 64 call in” the voice demanded, gods I hated that voicer it lacked kindness and humanness.

“Agents 36 and 64 reporting for intercom message” I called out “State Mission Intercom”

“Mission: Relocated to Hecshade falls, A group of rogue vampires , werewolves and fey are buying and shipping Nyx seed and Dragoir Blood , find the boss of the drug ring and turn them in to headquarters alive” the robotic voice said as the intercom buzzed out

I let at a low whistle of sarcasm “Nyx seed, damn this is going to hard” Nyx power had a strong scent it is easy to smell out .

“Ivetta Ember Ebeling, shut up this is important mission” Cleo teased along  

I smirked at Cleo and said “I think that it time we moved to Hecshade falls” she rolled her dark blue eye, the eyes that she herniates from our father. Her midnight black hair that we shared flicked up as she moved from the couch and started walking to the stair “I will print the fake papers, you pack the stuff” she called over her shoulder. I sighed and started moved to my room to pack. This was always my least favourite part of being an agent, always moving, always packing. God I hate packing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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